Monday, December 3, 2012

The Beauty of Advent Music

One of my favourite parts of Advent is actually the music. This is probably the direct result that I've been doing the music for Mass in the parishes I've attended since I was about 10. I seem to always land in small towns that have no one else with even a smidgen of musical talent and once people know you can play the piano while carrying a tune the job of music leader is yours! I've been the only person who does music ministry in my tiny parish for the past 5 years, so I've got a pretty good handle on "Church" music. Although I'm sure everyone at Mass knows how little time I have to practice, I try to give it my best effort while at times disciplining the masses of my own children.

Don't worry-I'm not trying to convince anyone to halt all their Christmas music and demand they only listen to "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" for four weeks of Advent. But I just thought I'd point out the beautiful parts of Advent music which can easily be overlooked, and if all you hear of Advent music is at Mass on Sundays it really can be music that reflects the mysteries of Advent and brings us a little closer to our Advent goals of penance, preparation, prayer, and maybe a simplifying of our faith.

Advent is one of the nicest times in liturgical music. (Now, everyone try and not glaze over at those two words "liturgical music". I know to most those words are as interesting and fun-sounding as "elective surgery" or "tax preparation" but I promise you Advent is one of the most interesting times of the year for music.) Good Advent music should be subtle, unassuming, profound, yet approachable.  Good Advent hymns are an interesting mixture of a usually simple, often minor, melody that rises and falls, while the lyrics should reflect the mysterious nature of Advent as a time of both waiting, reflection and praising. Most Advent hymns have a beautiful history as well as gorgeous melodies and impressive lyrics. Also; Advent is one of the few times in the year where it seems the modern decimation of traditional and very good music hasn't completely cleared out the generic hymnal.

One of my favourite hymns is "Gabriels's Message" or "The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came" and its a perfect example of how a beautiful melody can be both minor in tone yet still contain the praising element of the "Glorias" of the chorus. It really encapsulates the idea of Advent as a time of solemn reflection in preparation for the Messiah and praising God in that anticipation. Its the paradox of Advent's spiritual reality. The carol itself is Basque in tradition and dates from the 13th Century and wasn't translated into English until the 19th century. The lyrics are of course a poetic version of the Magnificat, and it makes a perfect hymn to be used in the third and fourth weeks of Advent.

As Advent music is used but once a year I find that hearing these timeless songs again conjure up memories of past Advents. The return to the familiar should also help direct us to a more concentrated focus on the time of year, its meaning, and our spiritual focus. Hearing "Wake, Awake for night is Flying" always seems to make me think of past winters, past Christmases, past times of renewal. "Wake, Awake For Night is Dying", as its known in most Catholic hymnals, is set to a Bach chorale and to hear it performed by a choir is exciting, but even if only the melody is used it makes for a beautiful addition to the liturgy.

The biblical themes of Christ's coming as a bridegroom is used in both "Wake, Awake for night is Dying" and also in "Awake, Awake Fling Off the Night". The spiritual themes of Advent such as light, darkness, and waiting are also seen in the hymns as well. "Awake, Awake" is based upon a latin chant melody which brings a simplicity to the music which is also a refreshing reminder of our need for simple faith during Advent.

Then the great classic hymns, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and "O Come Divine Messiah", truly some of the most beautiful songs in liturgical music, and should be heard in the last two Sundays of Advent. Unfortunately there has been some brutal renditions of both, but please don't let that put you off! The thoughtful performance of both hymns showcase stunning melodies. "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is based on the O Antiphons that are part of the last days of Advent beginning on December 17, and are part of the Divine Office that speak of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. "O Come Divine Messiah" is based on a French hymn which uses both words of praise and a major key to emphasis the joy of the coming King of Kings, and is lovely in its perfect description of our joyful anticipation for Christmas Day.

I'm by no means an expert, but just wanted to share a few thoughts about the Advent music you may be hearing at Mass, or may have overlooked in the past. Of course, the problem with liturgical music is that it is heavily dependent upon human beings and can thus be completely mangled, botched, and downright abused. The best Advent music is that which is approached reverently but with a simplicity that directs worshippers to a deeper reflection on the mystery of Advent. The music and use of instruments should be used sparingly, it would be nice if all parishes could bust out the chant for these weeks as it gives such an austere feeling to the liturgy that is most fitting for Advent, but since most don't have that kind of talent and resources it's much more fitting to the season to par down instruments and arrangements in order to contrast with a more full and glorious Christmas liturgy.

I've only mentioned a couple of the truly great hymns, let me know your favourites, and if you're in the mood for a whole album dedicated to great sacred Advent music I really recommend the new Advent at Ephesus by Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Its beautifully done, and the song choices are all really helpful in cultivating the right mood towards a prayerful Advent. Even my toddlers seem to like it!

So theres my rant about some church-y Advent music. I hope we all have a faith focused Advent!


  1. Oh Christy, "Gabriel's message" is my favourite. I have to sing it all the time and am always so disappointed when an advent goes by without hearing it played at Mass. I am playing to add it to my bedtime songs for advent to sing to the littles as we tuck them in bed.

  2. I loved reading this! I was just reading Maria Von Trapp's advent reflections last night ( and now I'm even more determined to avoid Christmas music until, well, Christmas. thanks for posting this!

  3. I love this! I was just on my own personal Advent music soapbox this week - it's so nice to have a kindred spirit (which you obviously are). I made a playlist on Spotify if you are interested in hearing some of my Advent favorites - it's linked up in the Little Holydays links. Thanks for a great post.

    1. Thanks Abbey!
      I'll definitely check out your playlist, its always nice to find new music! Especially of the Advent variety.

      Hope you have a Blessed Advent!

  4. So many of these are still so new for me, I'm looking forward to learning them!

  5. I have discovered over the last couple of years that I love Advent music even more than Christmas music!

    Advent blessings~


    1. That's great Juanita! Its definitely not as popular...yet ;)

  6. I'm visiting from the the link-up! As I was reading I was hoping there would be a CD recommendation! I think since Advent is short it is hard for people to really think of Advent songs since there are just a few Sundays where they are sung. Having music to listen to during the week would really help to become familiar with the songs and instill a connection and therefore desire to hear these songs at this time of year. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It is hard to get strictly Advent cds, that's why this one by the beautiful Sisters is so nice. I've really liked it, its the perfect amount of subtle chant and beautiful songs!

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