Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ugly Advent Wreath Pinterest Round-Up!

I fully understand that I should probably go to confession over what's about to follow here, but I just couldn't resist!

The other day I was looking for some inspiration for my Advent Wreath, because it is in sore need of some sprucing up, and I wanted to hip it up a little. And for some reason Real Simple and Traditional Home don't have a lot in the way of Catholic liturgical season decorating. Which is weird. Also; since every interior design blog is written by an uber-chic Mormon I'm outta luck there too. I just hit a simple search of Advent Wreath in Pinterest and came up with these winners. I won't link back because I don't want to be too mean, and clearly that'll make a difference to my penance. 

Prepare yourselves.

Sadly, I think there are some liberal parishes out there that would be all about this guy!

Its hanging from a chandelier and has fake flowers. Enough said.

Under this pin read the caption "pretty advent wreath". Clearly, this pinner was colour blind.

This one's a doozy. I'm trying to imagine the theological arguments someone would make for it. Something about the linking of the celestial beings...

AN ANTLER ADVENT WREATH!?!? Seriously, lets call the time of death on this trend right now.

I can almost appreciate this one. I too have a lot of wine bottles kicking around. And it has that cheap Italian restaurant vibe going for it...

The moral of this story is we Catholics need to rise up, come up with some pretty Advent wreaths and then Pin them! My only instructions are to use the liturgically correct colours of candles, no spray paint, and for the love of all that is good, no pine cones! 


  1. Hahaha! Christy, I'm dying. The colorblind one is just too good. I'm sure they all had the best of intentions...

  2. Love this! It's funny because it's true! You have definitely inspired me to come up with something for my advent wreath. Mine is looking quite sad right now.

  3. I read this at about 6:00 am this morning and didn't comment... let me fix that...::ahem::

    BWAHAHAHA!!! Lordy thems some might ugly wreaths and I thought my plastic holy was bad!

    The ball one just gets me - is the cosmos lining up in some mystical way? Or perhaps someone didn't want to part with a wacky abstract necklace?

    Great post.

  4. Not to be challenging at all, Christy, but we actually discussed the theological symbolism behind the pinecone's inclusion in the wreath during Mass last Sunday...But just for you, I will try to get a decent picture of mine pinned on Pinterest. I think you would approve :-)

    1. Oh hey I did not know that! And actually if they have some theological meaning then that makes me feel better about the crazy amount of pinecones out there! They still kinda drive me nuts...but I feel better! And I'll be less judgey!

  5. I think the pinecone one is actually really pretty it's just missing it's pink candle. Mine is just a brass ring with the candles stuck in. I used to have a rather pretty boxwood wreath that fit around itwell but it was so covered in waxbyChristmas last year I pitched it.

  6. I think the pinecone one is actually really pretty it's just missing it's pink candle. Mine is just a brass ring with the candles stuck in. I used to have a rather pretty boxwood wreath that fit around itwell but it was so covered in waxbyChristmas last year I pitched it.


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