Sunday, December 2, 2012

What I Wore Sunday- vol. tres

Hello, everyone clicking over from Fine Linen and Purple
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my mediocre outfit this week! 

I feel this week's edition is pretty lacklustre. It really is just a plaid shirt, with a granny cardigan thrown overtop because I felt a plaid shirt was definitely not classy enough for Mass, and I was freezing. Actually, now that I look at the pics this outfit reminds me of what Anne Perkins seems to wearing a lot  of these days on Parks and Recreation. I personally prefer her cute patterned dresses and blouses with skirts but I'm going to say I was going for the "Anne Perkins" look this week anyway. 

And it was one of those weeks where I had to use dry shampoo and throw things around out of my closet. With it being so awfully cold out we have to get the kids ready about 5 hours before Mass, but somehow I always end up leaving about 3.5 minutes to dress myself. Which was poor planning on my part for this blogging thing! 

Also; I'm sporting another pair of stretchy, preggo-friendly-but-not-super-cute jeggings this week. Riveting stuff.

But here's my exciting contribution for this week:

I bought a new coat! Its camel, wool, real fur (take that!), and cute? 
I always question major clothes purchases I make by myself while pregnant. As soon as I'm not pregnant I realize things I bought are hideous and no one wanted to say anything. So hopefully this coat is a pass? I'm also sadly going to fit in it for another two and a half hours, but luckily for me winter lasts but 10 months a year in blissful Alberta so I'm sure I'll get some wear out of it before its out of style. 

Another winter Mass beginning and ending in darkness on a Saturday night. At least tonight it was fitting for Advent. It was also -15 going to Mass with a windchill of -abillion with snowfall of some sort. This winter is feeling long already so I hope it warms up for Christmas! 

Happy Advent everyone, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love your coat. I'm not opposed to real fur, but I prefer certain means of obtaining said fur over others. I wouldn't like to buy trapped fur, for example. Vintage fur has a green light from me, since it's clearly not going back on a live animal any time soon.

    I also like your hair up a lot! Have a happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks Kinsi! Surprisingly that fur is crazy cozy, and I like it way more than I thought it would!

  2. I wear SO MUCH plaid. It's my favorite thing, and I don't even bother to try to 'dress it up' with a sweater. I think the way you paired them is super cute. :)

  3. That coat is fabulous! A quality coat like that is a good investment. I always tell myself that but I always shy away from getting a new coat year after year because of the cost! Maybe next year :) You've inspired me with the real fur!

    1. I've broken down and accepted that I wear my winter coats more than any other item in my wardrobe. And the most people see it because you can hardly go anywhere without a winter coat for almost six months, so that has justified this my head...and sorta to my husband! I've still got another wool coat that I like a lot and that looks dressier so I think its a good variety. And the fur is so cozy!

  4. Your coat makes me want to get a fur snood all the more! Cute outfit.

  5. The coat is cute, and let's face it: there are only so many things to wear. I liked the Anne Perkins look!

  6. that coat is gorgeous! Are you Canadian by birth, or did you get transplanted there?

  7. LOVE the coat. -15 there, 80 here. We always want what we don't have when it comes to weather!

    1. Haha, well I can't think of a reason to not want 80 degree weather right now! But yes, isn't it crazy! I can't believe people still can wear skirts without freezing off limbs!

  8. Love the plaid, it looks fabulous and trendy! And the coat is great, it looks nice and warm!

  9. Girl, you are rocking the Anne Perkins look :) I love your plaid with the cardigan and don't get me started on that coat - great!

  10. I love your coat! The sweater looks really cute w/ that plaid top.

  11. The coat is adorable. I guess you can make ok fashion choices when pregnant.

    1. Haha, well you should see some of my past choices...not so cool. But I'm in love with the coat!

  12. In the words of Stacey from "What Not to Wear", "SHUT. UP." By which I mean, your look is so cute and YOU STILL DON'T LOOK PREGNANT. You're like 22 weeks or so right? I'm really envious.

    1. Haha oh Jenna trust me its the camera angle. I definitely look pregnant. And I'm supposed to be about 22 weeks you're right!

  13. I love the Parks and Rec reference, I totally see you as an Ann. That's a great coat!

  14. What is up with all of you skinny, no belly pregnant ladies???? Ohmyfrackingword I was in full-on maternity clothes at 16 weeks last time. Bottoms AND tops. Lordy, lordy...

    The coat is an absolute yes. Very cute!

    p.s. send us some snow. Michigan is rudely warm this year *again*

  15. You are totally rocking the "Anne Perkins" look, way cute and stylish!! FABULOUS coat, certain you will get much, much use out of it!!!
    BTW, your sidekick is a cutie, cute, cuterson!!!

  16. so. when are you going to start to look pregnant? holy jealous. looking GOOD.

    and I am inappropriately lusting after that coat ...... but I am not lusting after that weather at ALL.

    come visit us .... anytime.

  17. Looking great Christy! And love the coat! Although I know what you mean about pregnant clothing choices..I will buy something and be like "This will totally work for when I'm not pregnant too..." And then it never does....

  18. As everyone else has said, that coat is fantastic! I love it! Where ever did you find it?!?

  19. As everyone else has said, that coat is fantastic! I love it! Where ever did you find it?!?


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