Friday, March 17, 2017

Seven Quick Takes vol. 156

Happy St. Patricks Day to Kelly who clearly has the luck of the Irish without being Irish...


Well hellllooo. It's been weeks since I blogged. Again. It's just crazy how I start out my day with the greatest of intentions to get so much done, to write, to blog, to plan, and for there to never to be time to carry out all these good intentions! I really feel kinda snowed under lately just by the sheer amount of things I need to get done in a day and have no spare minutes. And then when I do have spare minutes I'm interrupted every two minutes. Or I'm just so fried I really do need to rest, read, watch Netflix. I'm trying not to feel hopeless about this situation but it's feeling like only giant lifestyle changes are going to solve this problem. I don't know, I'm praying about it. And trying not to be my completely regimented, allergic to change self.


The reaaaallly big news was we got away for a really quick trip to Texas sans kiddos and kiddets! All the jazz hands!! I always stress about leaving, have anxiety over leaving the kids for so long, wonder if it's worth all the work, effort, coordination, and money to go away with just my husband for such a short time and then am always completely convinced and proven wrong; that it is completely worth it to get away even if it's for a short time. It always surprises me. Because leaving 5 kids, even when it's in the cushiest situation we've got going, is always so much work before hand. But then we go and relax and do what we want and hardly even end up talking about the kids. It's a really good break and just the change of pace is so good. I'm really grateful for it!


The highlight of the trip was seeing Haley! Haley and her family drove down to San Antonio to meet us and it was so much fun to see her again and to meet her family in person after all these years of just knowing them through the internet! We went out for Mexican food at the greatest place, drank huge margaritas, saw the wonderful light show on the San Fernando Cathedral, then got to go to Mass together the next morning at the beautiful San Jose Mission. It was just so lovely! Our husbands met each other. It was completely bonkers! I mean, they got along of course, it just felt so surreal but awesome.


We really loved San Antonio. It's a great mix of history and culture that's unique to us, as well as having some fun touristy things, fabulous food (which is one of the primary reasons we travel it seems), and beautiful weather for March! We ate barbecue, walked the beautiful river walk at our leisure without worrying kids were going to fall in (because I had that thought often), drank a lot of margaritas, toured the Alamo. Basically, had such a wonderful time!


We were so glad to have even a slight reprieve from the weather because March weather has really stunk around here. And the last two weeks of February. Only the last couple days have been above freezing -- finally! I just think I'm hitting the winter wall and desperately need some sunshine and no more snow. The kids have been cooped up and I swear each day they do crazier things. Yesterday a boy ate half a slice of uncooked bacon which he later confessed to me at bedtime. Why?!?! Whhhhhyyyyyy?!?! Winter's gotta end.


Since I haven't been blogging lately I just wanted to mention our newest podcast episode with the wonderful Lisa Hendey. She shared her new books the Chime Travellers as well as some great words of wisdom for moms who still want to pursue their passions and why it's so important. I really appreciated hearing from her and felt a bit star-struck talking to her! She was lovely! 

It's also #trypod month! If you know someone who might enjoy our podcast but has no idea what podcasts are - let them know about it, and maybe install a helpful podcast app for them. And if they're your mother you'll probably have to teach them how to search and subscribe for them too. I keep meaning to teach my mom how to listen to podcasts come to think about it...


It's been a rough week for me. Mostly just parenting wise. Or job wise. Or life wise. It's all related in the SAHM game. I think that's sometimes part of the trouble trying to work things out. It's hard to see what's parenting, what's down to a particular kid or phase, what could be something that's bothering you, if it's a time issue, if it's just a bad week. It's hard to figure out when your one job, place of work, and people you work with are all your own offspring to figure out what the problem is when it's not easy to spot. Should you make changes or is it something the kid will work out? Do you need to just continue with what you're doing and consistency will help fix things or do you need to change directions? Are things just hard because it's just a tough week and you don't need to rethink things? I guess I just wish that in tough weeks that there was a more objective checklist I could work and analyze somehow that could tell me exactly what I need to change or fix. I do sometimes wish that my place of work was outside that home and if that were bad I could place blame on that job without guilt. Or if things were frustrating at home that at least time at the ol' job would give me some time doing something completely different and get some mental break. It's just tough when it's an all consuming, full time deal yo. 

I'm sure most of you dear readers get this. Whether you're full time at home or not, you know where I'm coming from mamas! 

Hope your weekend isn't full of leftover green beer...or maybe I do??

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  1. First of all, I loved that podcast with Lisa and we bought 3 of the books and the kids are begging for more. My 10 year old said, " it's nice to read about confession in a story instead of just religion!" Also I'm with you on March being hard ( and I don't live in Canada). My husband makes me wait till April to make any major life decision due to my fragile late winter state.. :) good luck and thank you and Haley for doing a great podcast!

  2. I loved the podcast with Lisa and am already daydreaming about reading them to my now 2-year old when she's older. You and Haley do such a fantastic job and I absolutely love your podcast!

    The pics of you and Haley make me so happy!! My bestie and I have been long distance since college (although not countries apart) and it makes my heart so happy to see other long distance bffs reunited. What a glorious place for a much deserved getaway! :o)

  3. What a wonderfully understanding hubby you have! Great idea for the rest of us! I am Canadian and this was one of the least sunny winters yet and I am a complete wreck! ��

  4. Just wanted to chime in as a reader and fountains of carrots listener from San Antonio! Love the podcast, and so glad ya'll enjoyed our beautiful city :)

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