Friday, February 24, 2017

Seven Quick Takes vol. 155

Hi Kelly and your fabulous February weather!


Well, February hit me guys. It hit me. Like a giant pile of grey shit that just won't leave you alone even though you've hinted, sworn at it, and physically tried to remove it from your life. I was doing so well surviving it until this week. If anything, having it hit me so hard this week makes me a bit madder if only because I was doing so well. I was on a roll! But this week was a perfect storm. It made me question my life choices, want to quit everything, and basically just move to Mexico. #screwthewall 
I mean. Nothing horrible happened. I'm fine. There's less than a week left. I'm dramatic.


It's been a while since I've done some takes so I'll catch you up! 
I went to the opera with my sister and it was a great night out! 
The superbowl happened and I want it to burn in the fires of hell for eternity and never have it mentioned again.
We took the kids to the Batman Lego movie...or is it Lego Batman? Could I be less cool??? It was entertaining if a bit seizure inducing, or that could just be me because I'm old and haven't played video games in a while. The kids all loved it.
And then last week I did this....


I got my hair dyed purple! It's more a deep violet with more shocking purple at the ends which will wash out to a nice light purple (hopefully) but it's a giant change. I just wanted a giant change. And I'm also definitely not married to my natural colour. It's mousey. It's boring. Hair colour feels like my limit of crazy things to do. I can't go any further, this is as crazy as I get.


The kids have been living it up. Ice fishing, going on sleepovers, going to plays, and yet still seem to be driving me insaner by the day. Yesterday my oldest child dumped the entirety of her dirty laundry on the floor beside the basket. I mean, I know I'm stuck in the Februarys, but back me up here, is there anything that makes you want to scream more?! I've dealt with tantrums and discipline issues and whining all week so when these little things happen I feel like I'm going to blow. 


I've bought a couple new cookbooks in the last month or so because I can't quit the cookbooks, and hopefully I'll write up some kind of review? comparison? post soon. I always want to cook more interesting and exciting recipes and always time and energy defeat me. At least having the physical cookbook gives me that extra boost to try at least a couple, or one or two, new recipes every now and again. I also want all your favourites.


Lent is upon us and I still have no clue what to give up, if I'm supposed to give anything up, what would be the most fruitful. I'm always comforted in knowing that Lent is much more a journey towards someone instead of simply following rules. It's just so much easier to myself gaining in progress (read: holiness) when I'm doing something and following rules! Even if they're my own rules. So it's always tricky. It's also good for me to remember it's 40 days, and part of the process of can mean figuring this stuff out as I try to fast and pray more. I also really need my spiritual director to get back from Rome.


Speaking of Lent - Nell, internet cheerleader extraordinaire is giving her extraordinary wisdom on Lent this week on the podcast! If you need some inspiration that's right up your Lent alley, give it a listen.

Also on the podcast from a few weeks ago that I failed to mention over here was our interview with Shannon Evans about adoption and building a culture of life which I found so honest and amazing. I hope you listen to it sometime. 

And that's all I've got. I hope you're surviving February and have a great weekend planned! 

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  1. Martha Stewart has a cookbook "cakes" that's wonderful She describes things so well so you don't have to guess , "Is this what she means by fluffy?" She covers basic cakes up through exotic ones. I have only made some of the recipes (the best pound cake ever is in this book), and I know I'll never make anything with blood oranges or kumquats, but the recipes are fun to read.

  2. Your hair!!!!!! The purple is awesome and looks so good on you! What dye did you use?

  3. Your hair looks so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And I love looking through cookbooks. The internet may be a treasure trove of recipes,but there's nothing like flipping through a cookbook. I've actually started grabbing a random cookbook from the library on every visit, just to check out different recipes/types of food to try out.

  4. I just got purple hair too!! (And teal. :) ) I love yours, it looks amazing!!

  5. Love your hair! Wish I didn't have a job that frowned on it. Ah, the glamorous life of a SAHM ;)

  6. I love cook books. My mother in law buys them for me... She got me one about this french family with a bunch of kids who lives in... wait for it.. FRANCE.. and they all look gorgeous and the kids eat snails.. sigh. I get serious Season Affectation disorder in Jan and Feb. The only thing that helps a little (besides wine and a good book/netflix series) is taking extra vitamin D.. And your hair looks great!

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  8. Um how is it possible that I have not seen your hair until today, March the friggin 4th? How did I miss that gorgeousness on IG? (I sho did just go to your profile and check to confirm I had missed it.) You're smokin'.

    Also, this: Lent is much more a journey towards someone instead of simply following rules.
    I needed that.


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