Friday, December 11, 2015

Seven Quick Takes vol. 135

Checking in with Kelly because I can't find time to write any other time it seems lately...


Well, I don't know what happened to this past week but it was a bit of a blur of sickness. A strange stomach virus hit and one kid would go down for a day, then another, then people just seemed lethargic, then there was all the sundry laundry that accumulates when people are throwing up know how it goes, right?


I've noticed signs of improvement to my mothering through illness though! Improvement! Woo hoo! I remember in the early days of having more than one kid I was paranoid and panicked when any kind of sickness or illness hit. I'd be freaking out about when the next kid would get it, how bad they would get it, how no one would ever sleep again!! It was fairly illogical, but when you have 4 or 5 babies who are all toddlers or young babies it's kinda expected that this is a big deal. Now though I've noticed I'm a lot more peaceful about it. I know I can't control which kid the virus will hit next, it may hit every one of them, we may be dealing with vomit every hour on the hour like we have before, but somehow I'm a lot calmer than I was before and it makes nursing sick kids so much easier. I don't worry as much who's going to get sick next, I just try and deal with whoever's currently vomiting. Present moment guys, present moment.


However, that's not to say that I didn't lose sleep this week even when no one was awake throwing up wondering who was going to throw up next. Because I did. Because of course I could sleep through kids throwing up and crying and needing me -- I need to remain vigilant, stay awake, lie in constant tension waiting for the next kid to spew! It's one of those crazy things you just can't turn off as a mom, I swear.


All that fun news aside, I really didn't do too much this week that was too exciting. The weather has been foggy and dreary and feeling a bit more Christmas like. Ask me how many times my two-year old has said "Christmas time is here, Mommy!"? I wish I knew, because it's a lot.


I'm sending out Christmas cards. Nothing makes me feel quite so old and antiquated like mailing Christmas cards. I feel like I'm participating in an ancient tradition from the dark ages or something. I have to buy stamps?! What?!


The podcast was back this week! We chatted with Emily Stimpson all about the importance of food and hospitality which seems fitting for this time of year when we all may want to throw a party or just have people over for popcorn and hot chocolate. Hope you get a chance to listen!


Since this weekend is Gaudete Sunday we're getting our Christmas tree! My girls have only been asking everyday since the end of November and have been making sure we're aware of this weekend and the promise we made. To be honest with you I kinda love decorating the tree. I'm sure I'll out grow this phase soon, but I do kinda love it. Every Christmas I always start to wish my house was bigger so I could have more decorations...which isn't bizarre at all, right?

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. I'm the same way about sickness, so it's good to hear that maybe I'll grow less crazy about it. I mean, no one likes sickness but it happens and as the mom especially you just have to deal. I don't like just having to deal! How did I get to be the mom who has to be calm and collected and in charge?

  2. Yes to the sickness. After Eli struggling with that parasite and his immune system being shot for months to come my mama brwinwas on constant alert. When will he vomit, etc next. Or one week of health would go by, surely he'll be sick this next one. Wonder which virus this time? Bleh! But so much yes to the present moment making things more manageable! We're hoping to get our tree this wknd too but just from Lowes or something bc super pregnant. Normally we get it towards the start of Advent and add purple, purple, pink, then purple plus fun ones but this Advent has been much more simple and slow. I'll take it even though every bit of my nesting urges want to do all the things buy my previa keeps me resting as much as possible lol hugs to you and prayers for health!!!

  3. Yes to the sickness. After Eli struggling with that parasite and his immune system being shot for months to come my mama brwinwas on constant alert. When will he vomit, etc next. Or one week of health would go by, surely he'll be sick this next one. Wonder which virus this time? Bleh! But so much yes to the present moment making things more manageable! We're hoping to get our tree this wknd too but just from Lowes or something bc super pregnant. Normally we get it towards the start of Advent and add purple, purple, pink, then purple plus fun ones but this Advent has been much more simple and slow. I'll take it even though every bit of my nesting urges want to do all the things buy my previa keeps me resting as much as possible lol hugs to you and prayers for health!!!

  4. I LOVE decorating the tree.

    So sorry about the bug. I was definitely panicking about who was going to get sick next when the baby and I had HFMD a month ago. Good to know it eventually wears off (or wears out?). Ha!

  5. Well done on the podcast Christy! My my what an interesting topic. ;)


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