Friday, December 4, 2015

Seven Quick Takes vol. 134

Joining Kelly and the many better takers this Friday...


We're doing it, we're living Advent and simultaneously getting all the things done. Right?? Right?? Well, I'm just going to keep telling myself that because then I won't freak out. I feel as if Christmas will be here before we know it. I'm having waves of "hurry up and do it all" feelings. Where does that feeling come from anyway? I'm trying to squash it.


It's been a beautiful week up here. The daytime highs have been above freezing which is practically tropical feeling in December. This is the first year where we've just shovelled off the small pond/dugout/"cow pond" (as my children call it) in the field in front of our house for the kids to skate on. Gemma has spent whole afternoons out skating which is really adorable. (Don't worry - we can see that it's frozen at least 12 inches deep.)


We hardly have any snow though, which is also weird. I think last year we were cross-country skiing by this time and we need a lot more snow until we can do that anytime soon. We also usually go out Christmas tree hunting in about 12-15 inches of snow in the woods, but this year it'll be much easier finding a tree! 


We usually try and wait till Gaudete Sunday to go Christmas tree hunting and really begin decorating. I like a slow lead up in the decorations that way I'm not sick of them before Epiphany. I have a really low tolerance for seasonal decorations. The idea of Halloween and fall decorations out in September makes me batty, Christmas decorations I love but I can barely last a month. Other than twinkly lights of course, twinkly lights forever!


I have to admit that I feel as if my whole week has been swallowed by online shopping this week. I just don't understand why it's so time consuming, and yet it is. Maybe I'm being indecisive? We don't even buy our kids that many gifts, yet I'm still spending inordinate amounts of time searching and comparing and adding and removing. I honestly shudder to think how much time it would take me to Christmas shop in real live stores. It would be torture to me. I like shopping, but not that much! 


That all being said, I love reading gift guides. I feel supremely uncreative when it comes to coming up with gift ideas for anyone, so I can't get enough guides. If you've got some or know some that you love send 'em my way!


These were really quick I know, I hope to get more time to write something substantial next week, after I'm done with all this online shopping business, get out from under the mountain of dirty laundry awaiting me, or maybe I'll just make myself write and quit being distracted by Facebook, the horrible daily news, and clicking on every Gwen Stefani headline I see. Still praying for some focus this Advent... 

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. 1- Wow your own skating rink!!! How cool and what memories!!
    5 - It's the research that sucks up the time, though we do get better prices this way
    6 - Check out Modern Mrs Darcy for some gift ideas

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  3. Love the skating rink as well, so cute! Glad you guys can get outside. Fresh air does wonders for sanity right??! I feel the same about decorations. After awhile, I just need to get our home back to 'normal' so to say.

  4. A REAL skating rink...outside...what???? I thought that only happened in the movies!


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