Sunday, January 27, 2013

What I Wore Sunday...January Edition!

I'm back on the bandwagon folks! Linking up with the contagious What I Wore Sunday girls at Fine Linen and Purple!

Here's the goods:

In all truthfulness I haven't posted for the past couple weeks because I've been wearing the same damn thing every week. Its beyond boring to me so I thought the blog audience would be put to sleep by it! 

And it was actually warm enough to attempt a dress so I had to take advantage! The dress is last years Old Navy, the sweater is from last summer? J.Crew, and its the same old same old boots, and I believe this is my $3 H&M belt.

I really wasn't paying attention to Captain Jump-A-Lot on the couch but my husband found it hilarious. 

And this was me suntanning in Canada in January:

I look like a beached grey whale I know but it was honestly the nicest day we've had since October and I was trying to soak up the sun. I look so much less ghost like now! Oh wait...


  1. oh my goodness, you are the cutest pregnant lady i've ever seen, fo realz. and i love the jumping couch baby :)

  2. 1. you look gorgeous
    2. I just did some mental math of how long it must take you to suit your young for inclement winter weather, and I had a mild stroke. You're not spending any time in Purgatory, my dear.

  3. You look great! What a steal on that $3 belt!

  4. I love that outfit! Very easygoing elegant.

    And gosh! You make third trimester look like early second trimester. Just sayin.

  5. I love that burgundy dress and tan cardi! So cute.

  6. I love your outfit so much! It is my favourite on you ever. You look gorgeous.

  7. OK...I really like the outfit, the sweetie pie in the background is cute as well...but can we talk about those fabulously orange walls. I love it!! My husband would never go for something like that. Yowza!

  8. Yes, wow- your outfit is gorgeous and your HOUSE IS SO CHIC! I don't think I'm chic enough to even know how to have a chic house. Bow to you.

  9. You look so pretty! And I agree, your home is awesome and so cheerful!

  10. I was just going to tell you that your skin looks GORGEOUS! Lovely and rosy in a way that I could never dream of achieving :-)


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