Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sheenazing Blog Awards!

Wow! It appears my little blog has been nominated twice over at The Sheenazing Blogger Awards hosted by the lovely Bonnie at A Knotted Life

Its a great thrill because I know this is a teeny tiny blog, but to be nominated alongside such great actresses bloggers who do so much for the crraaafftt is such an honour! Ok, Anne Hathaway moment over, oh no wait, I'll channel a little more Anne Hathaway to beg for your vote in the Best Lifestyle and Best Underappreciated blog categories!

And thank you to the wonderful little nominator out there-I could kiss you! (I made my husband swear it wasn't him!) Or at the very least buy you copious amounts of alcohol!!

So if you too would like to be put on my list of "People I will buy copious amounts of alcohol for" please go and vote vote vote! And while you're there make sure to check out all the really wonderful blogs that have been nominated because they're really all worth a read. Voting is open till Thursday evening so get on it! And thanks again to Bonnie who must have mad organizational skills and a giving heart to give so much of her time to promoting Catholic blogging! 


  1. I voted for you. How crazy is it that you are on the same ballot as Marc Barnes, Hallie Lord, Jennifer Fulwiler, Leila Lawler et al? But I do love your blog. It's such an interesting mix of things.


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I love comments almost as much as coffee!

(And please check to make sure your email address is connected to your profile, I'd love to email you a reply.)