Sunday, November 25, 2012

What I Wore Sunday, vol. 6 (But for me vol. 2!)

All you girls were so sweet and very complimentary to my outfit last week that I'm joining up with Fine Linen and Purple again this week for What I Wore Sunday vol. 6!

So here we go. Its another "Let's try and hide the preggo, yet not quite cute and round bump stage" outfit. 
I also included these weird and unusual hand motions...I think I was explaining that if I looked horrible it was due to the husband's gravely lacking photography skills.

Then someone started doing something cute so I had to grab the real camera. 

But back to the actual outfit! Its a strange, sack-like top that's perfect for hiding all sorts of things. I wore this a lot while postpartum last year, oh I mean a couple months ago. Its got dolman sleeves and is actually quite cute and drapey. I won it from a blog giveaway which is always fun too.
The jeans are the perfect purple/mauve and I love them and don't want to stop wearing them, but they're officially becoming too painful. Its a sad day.
And you all can laugh at my hat, but I kinda love it! My husband makes fun of me every time I wear it, and today my 11 month old shot me a funny look when he saw me wearing it. 
The necklace is one of my owl necklaces. I find that this drape-y type top needs a longer pendent type necklace, and I really find long pendants seem to look better on me when I'm pregnant. I don't know why this is, but I've come to believe it to be true.

Here's an extra sassy-hat shot, and a shot of me mothering. They should count for bonus points!

Random stats:
It was almost completely dark by the start of Mass 5 pm. So sad!
Temperature outside: - 18 degrees Celsius...ridic.
25% of my children had poopy pants through Mass.
And I made the husband stop for eggnog so we're having eggnog lattes tomorrow morning! Ok, only those of us 5 years and up!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's much more exciting looks for today!


  1. you are adorable! However pregnant you are, you look much less pregnant than I do right now. And I'm definitely not. Dying to jump on the colored denim trend. But, um, I tried on a scarlet pair at Target and made both my children cry in the dressing room. Coincidence? I think not.

  2. I have to say... I really do love your eyeglasses. I got me some grandma glasses. LOL. And I think the hat is cute!

  3. You KNOW I love the owl necklace!

  4. I love that hat. I cannot at all tell that you are in the awkwardly pregnant stage, you just look cute.

  5. I think I could just stop by and compliment your specs every week. You must divulge from whence those pups came!

    I also have a penchant for hats, but again- my hubby is not a fan. What are you gonna DO with these guys?? Lol.

  6. Love those drapey-hide-everything...things. Especially with some awesome colored leggings. My condolences on having to retire them for a few months :( And the pendant - love the pendant!

  7. Great hat look, I'm a dork in hats, but so love them on others!!! sad, sad, sad!

  8. A long necklace can really make an outfit, like you do here:-) I love your style!

  9. I need that necklace! Or at least a chain that long so I can hang my various things off of it. Yes. True story.

  10. What brand is your top? I am in dire need of drapey/doesn't cling to the belly bulge clothing!!
    BTW, the picture of you "mothering" = awesome!

  11. Your look is only adding to my conviction that I need more drapey tops and long necklaces, stat.


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