Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Dom!

Happy Birthday to this cute guy! 
4 years old seems old for my sweet baby who's turned into a smart, sensitive, fun-loving, book-reading boy who reminds me of his daddy all the time. 
I'm glad we made it through 3 and are on to 4!

Dominic's told me for his birthday supper he would like "Dum-pa-lin's (potstickers), olas (olives), hotdogs, and chips." So we're in for a treat tonight!


  1. Super cute! Hope he has a good birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! Three years old was a doozy for my D (whose birthday was in October)...I am hoping we hit our stride with year 4 :)
    Enjoy those "dump-a-lins"...sooo cute!!


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