Tuesday, August 23, 2011

World Youth Day wrap-up

World Youth Day was remarkable once again this year. As always, upon reading the Pope's words I'm struck with how well he speaks to his audience. He concisely speaks to the issues young people of faith are dealing with, you'd never know he's in his 80s! 

Here's a great quote from his homily at the Saturday vigil:

"If you abide in the love of Christ, rooted in the faith, you will encounter, even amid setbacks and suffering, the source of true happiness and joy. Faith does not run counter to your highest ideals; on the contrary, it elevates and perfects those ideals. Dear young people, do not be satisfied with anything less than Truth and Love, do not be content with anything less than Christ."

If you get a chance the Pope's words are really worth a read. The Vatican news site has all the Pope's speeches.
I also found these two articles to be a great commentary on the importance of World Youth Days:
Tim Muldoon's take on what makes the Pope different from atheistic leaders. 
And an article detailing the difference between the London riots and over a million young people gathered in Madrid.

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