Monday, August 22, 2011

The weekend's over?

This is what my kitchen looks like when I wake up!
I wish!

I can't believe how fast the weekend/summer goes! My husband had another 3 day weekend which is always great, but its over before I know it! We went to the city for my nephew's first birthday party which was tons of fun, the kids especially were completely played out by the end of the day. Add the packing, driving, and of course, my big grocery shopping that is always entailed with a short trip to the city and I was pretty knackered as well. 

So today I've already vacuumed floors, thrown some laundry in, done the dishes, but I need to do something with the awful clutter on my counter, and find some place for all the cheap(!) summer clothes for next year I bought for the kids this weekend. My family's also gone on a little holiday so the kids are going to have to tough it out with me this week, I think we'll try a little beach action at the lake one day. So that was my unnecessary wrap-up of my weekend and my exciting Monday, hope your Monday's more productive!

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