Friday, November 18, 2016

Seven Quick Takes vol 153

Hi Kelly! Head on over to say hi too!


Sooooo...November?? It really got sucked down the election toilet didn't it? I barely know what day it is between trying to figure out how I should be feeling about everything. Because everyone is telling me I should be feeling something terrible. I feel like I've had all these grieving feelings a long time ago, and have never regained positive hope for any political future. I'm basically over democracy, it's the conclusion I've come to just so that I don't harbour ill will for my fellow countrymen. (I'm Canadian, our crappy election was last year, I'm still working through it)


We've been busier than normal because we added swimming lessons for this month to the mix. It's twice a week but since it's an hour away it sucks up basically the entire afternoon and makes the morning really busy trying to get school done in time to leave. But the kids love it and are having a fun time, and it's doable because it's only a month long. I love shorter time period activities. But I keep thinking I have time when I don't which means I haven't blogged in forever and am struggling with some writing deadlines this week. I just need more time in the day - said everyone ever.


We've had such a wonderfully mild November that it's made up for the awful, snow-filled, dark and depressing October we had. We've been able to spend lots of time outside which makes me feel better, and the kids have had more space which has been wonderful. But now that things are getting colder it's a bit brown and bleak outside so it will be ok to have snow on the ground again. I think the kid's are ready for snow activities. And they want colder weather so they can skate on our pond, and go ice fishing again. And since I've been able to clean up my yard, planters, and summer furniture we'll maybe be ready for snow instead of when it snowed the first week of October!


I cruised through The Crown on Netflix and pretty much loved every minute of it! The acting was impeccable, the writing was great, the pacing of every episode felt pretty good, much faster paced than the last few seasons of Downton I thought and much more satisfying. I know that there were a few historical inaccuracies, and what I found the most unbelievable was idea that the Royal family et. al, would have no clue about the Royal Marriage Act. It's not as if it would ever effect them, why would they need to know?? I hardly believe that it was news to the Queen or Princess Margaret in the way it is portrayed on the show, but again, I will make allowances based on how great the melodrama was.

I'm trying to finish rematching Gilmore Girls for the....I won't admit how many times I've watched it...but I've got two full seasons to go before Thursday. My plan is to skip each and every episode with Luke's annoying daughter. Possibly some of the extra flakey Lorelei episodes, and definitely the first half of season six when Rory is a big old baby. Basically there's not a lot of good spots going for the last two seasons, hence the dire need for some goodness with this new mini-series! I'm excited!

I haven't finished Poldark yet's been such a boring season! And I've heard that bad things are a coming, and I'm so spent from raging at things in real life that I have barely left for television, but hopefully soon, I Insta-Story Poldark so if you want my opinions check your instagram!


I got crafty and painted another peg doll. This time for a nativity peg doll swap. I painted the little shepherd boy and I'm pretty sure I was the least talented person in the swap, which works out nicely for me, because all the other dolls were just gorgeous. People are so talented! I didn't mind painting mine, I find them pretty fun for the most part, especially when it's a good excuse to just keep watching The Crown, but I definitely don't have a great attention to detail which is need to be An Artist.


Completely unrelated cute photo of kids in costumes!

I am needing to get on the Christmas shopping bandwagon. I think I'm going to try and get the majority done next week, or as much as I can online next week. I really like having Christmas shopping mostly done before Advent. It really forces me to be more organized and intentional about what's happening so I don't just buy, buy, buy for the entire month of December. Of course I have no good shopping lists for you, but if you have some send them my way! 


I don't have any exciting plans for this weekend other than writing another letter to my MLA! I am so tired of writing, and calling, and dealing with the crappy government in my province. It feels like a hobby. And there are two more years to go! But it's my responsibility as a citizen in a sorta democratic country, even if this government won't really listen to what I say. I'm just going to offer it up, maybe even pray for them, and keep living my life, because at the end of the day that's what we've gotta do. There's been much worse times politically, and people still lived their lives as best they could, we can too. 

And bonus take! New podcast episode this week where we talk about all these Flannery O'Connor, come on over and have a listen! 

Happy Weekend everyone! 

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  1. We like to get all the shopping done before Advent, too! I did just post some gift ideas, if you're interested. :)

  2. I have to confess, I think after watching 4 episodes of season 2, I think I may have given up on Poldark for the time being. I don't know. I really was enjoying season 2, and I love how the show focuses on a married couple, but Ross started driving me bonkers! Ugh! Why?!?!?! Maybe I'll breeze through it sometime, but for now I feel like a better use of my time is re-watching the season 1 of the Doctor Who reboot.

  3. The last two seasons of GG are where I've lost steam, too... I just want to smack Rory for being obnoxious the whole time!!!

  4. Oh man, the elections. I work in pro-life in New Brunswick and I get ya on the infuriating political politics. Although, whenever I feel bad about NB I remember we don't have your premier ;). I agree, treat people with dignity and respect, fight for truth, and just don't freak out about politics.

    I'm trying to rewatch GG for the (probably) 2343565243 time, but I started late and am still on season 1. Oops.

  5. I just got cast in a production of The Importance of Being Earnest. My legit homework this week: watch British television. Don't mind if I do. ;)

  6. The fact that we don't have our Netflix subscription anymore is making me so very sad, since everyone is talking about how great The Crown is! FOMO for sure.

  7. I looooove that little shepherd boy! We just did a nativity peg doll swap too and it was so much fun. Also, yeah the Crown is amazing. (I love Matt Smith in anything, he's the only actor in the world who can get away with having zero eyebrows and not look completely insane.) I'm super excited for Victoria to come out (January maybe on PBS is what I've heard?) too. Give me all the British royalty shows!


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