Friday, April 1, 2016

Seven Quick Takes vol. 139

Happy April! Head over to Kelly's to catch up with the other great takers ;)


I meant to post a little Easter post this week and lo and behold it's Friday already. Good thing there's Quick Takes!


We had a lovely Easter weekend and actually made it to 2 out of 3 Triduum liturgies which has to count as a win. We went to a Byzantine rite liturgy for Good Friday and it turned out to be especially beautiful since the Byzantines/Ukrainians celebrated the Annunciation regardless on Good Friday as well. It really seemed special and I'm so glad we got to participate on such a holy day.

We made it through Easter Vigil without anyone starting on fire, although there were a few close calls. Since I was doing music(and there is  A LOT of music) the kids did well in the pews for my husband and parents. By the last five minutes of Mass though, Nora was going on a tear and knocked a brother to the floor, undid the back of Gemma's dress, and was licking her hands in her dad's face, before screaming for Mass to be over. By the time we got home and kid's in bed it was about 11:30. We thought the kids would all sleep in but of course the boys were up before 7.

Easter Sunday begins with a traditional chocolate egg hunt and Easter baskets in the house, then an egg hunt outside in the snow, then dinner with my family. It was a really nice day despite the snow and tired kids. I made carrot cake, ate all the mini-eggs I could, and turkey. It was great.


Nora's 3rd birthday was last Friday as well so we had a really packed weekend. Since this will be the only time in her lifetime her birthday will land on Good Friday we let her celebrate it in our traditional family style with decorations, cake, and presents. She was a very happy girl and I can hardly handle that she's three already. I know I say that with every child's birthday, but I really can't handle it. She's informed me she's no longer a baby, she's "a GUUURL." 


I took this week off school and indulged myself by sleeping as long as the kids would let me, eating what I wanted for breakfast(it was usually cake), and trying to make the days feel different for me. It's hard to homeschool with a bunch of kids and not get burnt out from not having any days off. We've really got to make the days we're not "doing school" as different as possible. Or at least attempt it. Next week we're busy and back at activities and things so I'm soaking up a bit of a break. Although I wanted to write more and completely failed at that.


I've watched a couple movies lately! It's a big deal because who has uninterrupted time for movies anymore? Not me apparently. I'm always too tired to commit to a movie at night and fall back to Netflix. Btw, I finished Friday Night Lights and felt all the feels. I'm now catching up on House of Cards and as much as I love my political backstabbing, compared to this years election cycle House of Cards feels like I'm watching a cozy 50's sitcom of a bygone era. Scary stuff.

But back to the movies. My sisters and I watched all the girl movies we could over the long weekend. We watched Man Up with the hilarious Lake Bell and Simon Pegg and it was pretty good. Definitely some really enjoyable parts that you kill yourself laughing over. Then we watched Burnt which is a movie about a chef restarting his career in London and stars BRADLEY COOPER. I mean, if you need more to enjoy a movie I don't understand you. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but obviously it was completely up my alley and I really enjoyed it.


Since I'm woefully behind in blogging I'll quickly mention our latest podcast was a book episode on All The Light We Cannot See. A truly great book that makes for really great discussion. It's also been really popular so you've probably read it and would enjoy listening to us dissect it, wouldn't you? 


This week's weather has been wonderful! It's actually been melting! This is a huge deal since it snowed almost every day last week in truly Holy Week fashion. The kids have been out for hours each day and it feels so good. The babies are out playing on the deck right now, the boys our our exploring the humongous puddles in the fields around our house, and Gemma is chicken wrangling the chickens we let out to peck up some green grass. It's nice. Come on Spring!

Hope you all have a great weekend! It's still Easter!

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  1. Where's your easter dress from? Love it!

  2. Happy Easter! That is so cool you were able to attend a Byzantine service on Good Friday! Eastern Catholics are literally the coolest. Double-win since the whole Good Friday/Annunciation thing won't happen again for a long time (according to what I've heard)!

  3. Props to you all for making it to the vigil! And ditto about your dress- so cute. :)

  4. I guess you guys enjoyed it very well. Wish you can enjoy same in coming years as well.


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