Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Looking for some great Catholic children's books?

I'm happy to report I'm drinking coffee again. That Whole 30 didn't kill me, and I didn't seem to notice much difference without caffeine in my diet, so I'm back to drinking my glorious elixir of life which in turn has drastically improved my homeschooling mood, my mothering mood, oh heck, my entire personality. Or I'm being a bit dramatic.

We made it through September which I always find to be a challenging month to get back on track, but so far I'm happy with our homeschooling progress. Oh sure, I've still got one kid who finds writing more than two letters at a sitting to be a ridiculous request, another kid who thinks carrying twos to be way too much work, and some number phobia going on. What all of my kids still agree on is sitting down with me and a good book.

Honestly, that's something I hope they never grow out of. There are so many great books on so many great subjects that if they'll sit and listen with me I feel like half the job of homeschooling is done.

I've also mentioned this about a hundred times before: but I think it's really great to have as many good resources and books explaining and teaching the faith around our homes as possible. You never know what will jump out and touch a child so I really love having a good variety in our collection.

Ignatius Press has been doing such great work creating quality Catholic children's books for the past several years and I was lucky enough to review a couple of the new additions to their catalog in the past couple months.

Catholic Saints for Children

This is a great saint book with well done illustrations of new saints and old, along with a short description of each person, as well as a short prayer. My kids have loved returning to this book, and keep asking for more. I've been really impressed at how much they've liked praying along with the book since usually prayers within books are met with glazed over looks, but with this book they keep asking to say different prayers. I think everyone has found a new favourite saint as well. Highly recommended!

This is a introductory missal that explains the Mass in easy to understand language for little people. The beautifully done illustrations are just perfect for making the Mass recognizable to kids, and hopefully gives them a little bit more knowledge of what happens when they're at Mass. I would say this is perfect for 3-6 year olds and makes a really good book to take to Mass because it's small and easy to smuggle in. 

At first glance I thought this was going to be a book just based on the mysteries of the Rosary, but it actually is a really neat exploration of the origins of the Rosary itself, as well as the role it has played in the history of the Church. From the battle of Lepanto to Bernadette at Lourdes to little known holy men and women, this book gives a great historical understanding of the Rosary that I've never seen before in a children's book. The illustrations aren't my favourite, but the content is something that is really unique and would make a great addition to you library of holy books as well as giving a really good basis of knowledge to your kids about the historic basis of the Rosary.

I think this has become my favourite children's Bible. I really can't recommend this book enough for small kids as their first introduction to the Bible. It's illustrations are second to none because they're done by the amazing Maite Roche. Her work is just so beautiful while at the same time appealing to small children. Each story is detailed and vibrantly illustrated.  The stories are kept simple, yet explain the Bible stories well and at an age appropriate level. I'm so happy to have this as a beautiful resource for my kids, it's really lovely!

I hope this helps you add to your own home Catholic libraries for your kids, I'm always on the look out for great books, so let me know your favourites too! 

Ignatius Press gave me review copies of all these books, but the opinions are entirely honest and my own. 

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  1. Can I just make this list my kids Christmas list? These all look great

  2. Can I just make this list my kids Christmas list? These all look great

  3. I probably could have used that saints for children book since my kindergartener picked St. Margaret of Scotland to be for All Saints Day at school. Seriously? Random? I mean I how do I even go about a costume for that since she picked it from the Catholic All Year costume post - the dress was plaid. I'm CONVINCED that's the one and only reason!

  4. I LOVE all the Ignatius/Magnificat kids' books. Especially Maite Roche! Thanks for the suggestions!

  5. Thanks for recommending these! I'm always looking for great Catholic books!


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