Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our First First Communion (and Confirmation)

Saturday was Gemma's big day!

It was a wonderful day full of sweetness and excitement and family and faith. It was just lovely.

I didn't cry, to Gemma's shock, but it did feel somewhat incredible that somehow this baby who I could swear I just was holding as a wee, screaming infant, could be old enough for her First Communion. I remember in those early, really rough days postpartum soon after her baptism thinking, "I can't imagine how it could be possible that one day this girl will celebrate her First Communion." That exact thought. I swear. Her baptism felt like a staggering responsibility at the time, and the thought of actually getting my own child ready to receive Christ seemed like such a tough job that I was very unworthy of.

But Gemma was so excited and joyful and a bit nervous, and I hope I remember how much I loved seeing all her emotions because this girl has a lot of them! She was so happy and proud and proclaimed it "the best day ever!"

She was surrounded by family that love her to bits and even her little brothers leaned over to kiss her during Mass. Actually, there must have been excess grace flying around because the boys didn't even fight during Mass, not even a little. Which is saying something!

She was a bit intimidated by a bishop being there, but turned around after being confirmed with a big smile. A few more nerves at Communion, but she could hardly contain her excitement!

I'm gushing and beaming over how happy and proud of my little girl I am. She's really growing up, they're all really growing up, but it's taking a while for that idea to sink in for me I think. I'll try and let it all sink in for awhile I think.

It was really just a lovely, blessed day.

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  1. Oh my goodness! There is so much to love here :) How wonderful that your diocese does Confirmation so early! I know many places are trying to get back to that, but ours is still in high school.
    I feel the same "staggering responsibility" at Baptisms, but so much grace too! The fact that this was her "best day ever" means your're doing something right. Right?!?
    Your dress is awesome! Your daughter looked so sweet and happy! You and your family are beautiful! And your kids didn't fight at Mass?? The best!!
    Thanks for sharing all the thoughts and pictures from her special day <3

    1. Thanks Theresa!
      It felt so wonderful to have her have her First Communion. It really did feel like I had gotten her to Jesus, and over the big hump of responsibility I feel at Baptism, even though that's full of grace of course too! I'm just trying to enjoy the "great" feeling!

  2. So beautiful! I can't believe our girls are this big!! It is so precious how excited they are about receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. Maria was so excited that the next week she begged to go to Mass every day (we ended up going three times, to the 7 am mass which is a bit early for me!)
    Is doing Confirmation at the same time something that your diocese started doing?

  3. I'm amazed that you didn't cry! I'm tearing up just thinking about it, First Communions are so beautiful! And Gemma looked so sweet! I'm going to be a mess on SK's First Communion Day!

  4. What a beautiful, holy little girl!

  5. So, so precious! Also LOVE your dress!! Buy it online by chance?

  6. How beautiful! I can't imagine my oldest, at two years old, going for first communion...I feel like the entire world is resting on my shoulders (but thankfully it's actually resting on the Holy Spirit's)! Also, I've always loved the name Gemma but I could never use it because my last name is Stone and the combo would be very cheesy #namenerd.

    1. Haha, that's hilarious - Gemma Stone! It kinda sounds like a character from a superhero movie...I might be tempted if I were you ;)

  7. Oh, I can't handle Gemma's sweetness! And her cute little brothers in their matching vests and bow ties! I love it!

  8. Yay, Gemma! (I have a fondness for Gemmas. My niece/goddaughter is Gemma and we love each other to pieces.) First Communion does the opposite of baptism to my mother's heart. Baptism feels me with responsibility and First Communion lifts all the weight from my shoulders. Okay, not *all* the weight, but quite a bit.

    Was she confirmed as well? I really wish they would move confirmation younger here.

    1. Yes, you're right Micaela. It does feel really great to have her be able to receive communion now. It feels like I got her to a big milestone, and to be honest I was a lot more worried about it beforehand than I thought I was. It did feel like a big responsibility to get her prepared. And she was confirmed as well. Our diocese just began celebrating Confirmation at the same time as First Communion about five years ago. I'm not sure if I prepared her well for Confirmation, but I felt that it was a little different than how I prepared for Confirmation because of the large age difference, she simply wasn't going to understand the level of teaching that I got at Confirmation. But I do know that we're always going to focus on good catechism so I'm not too worried.

  9. I feel all emotional looking at these photos!

    Also, and only slightly related, I love the dress, and feel like we have similar figures; I thought I should tell you that I aspire to your weight and size, you look fantastic, and I aim to look that great (um, with a lot of work, unfortunately!).

    1. You're so sweet, Christie!

      Thanks! I love the dress, and I splurged for in on ModCloth. I feel like I have a tougher time fitting dresses because I'm really top heavy and for some reason I always have to size up or two to get a good fit. This dress could be taken in a bit, but I haven't had time to deal with that yet and as it is it's really comfy. But thank you for those sweet compliments, you're so kind and you're beautiful!

  10. She's beautiful! What a special day. Congratulations to her :)

  11. Congratulations to your lovely Gemma for accomplishing her Confirmation and First Holy Communion! She’s almost halfway through accomplishing the 7 sacraments of the Catholic Church. You must be proud that she's now prepared for new chapters of her life as a Christian. Thank you for sharing with us, Christy! All the best to you family! :)

    Carson Coronado @ Old St. Mary's Detroit


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