Monday, January 19, 2015

A Snowy Monday Morning

Ever wake up Monday morning and wonder where the weekend went?

I don't even know what I did this weekend! We didn't do anything exciting, but as we all know since becoming adults -- that's the best kind of weekend of all!

This morning the snow is falling and it makes me feel like I should really figure out how to photograph snow again, but what I've really been doing is dishes, schoolwork, and changing a lot of stinky diapers, a fact that is only remarkable because I now only have one kid in diapers but this girl has the diaper output of about 3 kids. It's her gift.

I've also been putting off the "frog" of putting away three loads of laundry. My philosophy with the "frog" thing is to wake up Monday morning, know that I really don't look forward to a chore, and ignore it until at least Friday morning. Don't worry, my book on the subject isn't coming any time soon!

In much happier news I'm really chuffed to be nominated in Bonnie's wonderful Catholic blogging awards, the Sheenazing Awards! Thank you so much for thinking of me, because it's honestly a thrill to be in the same categories of so many wonderful blogs that I read so often and that mean a lot to me. Also; the podcast has been nominated and Haley and I are both so happy, we'd love your vote - although not voting for Jen Fulwiler in anything is really difficult, I know! So do hop over and vote, because there are some really awesome blogs nominated that deserve your clicks and your votes! And thank the lovely Bonnie while you're there, she does a great job supporting small Catholic blogs like yours truly. And have a great Monday, may you put off all your frogs till at least Wednesday!

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  1. You better believe I voted for Fountains of Carrots! It was a no brainer!

  2. Love the podcast and love that new episodes come out on Tuesdays! I always grocery shop on Tuesday mornings and listening to you guys chat makes the putting away process much more enjoyable :)

  3. Congratulations on your nomination!! I definitely voted for Fountains of Carrots - I listen to it when I'm making dinner :)


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