Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Folks Dressed Up Like Eskimos...

One day I'm really going to take our Christmas photo with all of us dressed in full winter attire, but I'm waiting until my children will smile on cue. I wonder how long that'll take??

Until then, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas full of good hot toddys, children who don't fight over their presents, a Mass where you don't have to leave with a screaming child even once, no travel of long distances, hardly any fights with the in-laws, and many sparkly, twinkling outfits and accessories (it's not Christmas until Christy wears sequins)!

I tend to feel all romantic and fuzzy this time of year, as long as I'm not battling the flu like last Christmas, but I know this can be a difficult time for many who have lost loved ones and I pray that this Christmas there will be some comfort and consolation for all those who grieve.

I'm going to try to not eat ALL the cookies, but I won't make any promises. And here's hoping I bought one present for my husband that he actually likes. Happy Christmas everyone, see you next week!

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  1. I'm impressed! We've only got two kids and neither of them are looking at the camera lol

    1. It's amazing how hard they can make it, I think they practice!

  2. Your photo is super perfect. Everyone but Grumpy Kitty is smiling, which makes it!

  3. Merry Christmas to you! You all look gorgeous.

  4. What a beautiful family picture! Now you have to tell us how many pictures it took to get that one!

  5. 5 kids and everyone is looking at the camera?! And everyone is smiling (excepting Nora, but I would expect nothing less from Grumpy Kitty. :) Merry Christmas!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you dear Abbey, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too!

  7. That's a great family photo!! Merry Christmas, Isingers!

  8. Merry Christmas! (And husband presents are the hardest!)

  9. Merry Christmas to you too! Love that photo!

  10. Merry Christmas!
    You guys all look so great.

  11. Aw what a great a photo!! I know how hard it is to just get everyone looking at the camera at once. Such a beautiful family. Merry Christmas!!

  12. What a great picture of you all!! <3

    1. Thanks Gina! It was a minor miracle I think!

    2. You look great when I look at you I think about Eden and when I read about fights and mass I coming back and I think ow it is not only me to live on earth :)
      I am so happy that there are people like you who are not afftaid to share your life with us Thank you and God bless you


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