Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Introducing....The Fountains of Carrots Podcast!

A long time ago my dear friend Haley and I happened to be talking about podcasts and how we really enjoyed listening to them. Especially podcasts that felt like conversations about great topics and life in general. We felt like podcasts were interesting and personal -- something to listen to while we're folding laundry that makes us feel as if we're not home with only little people, but actually carrying on a conversation with other adults.

Months passed, seasons changed.

But I kept feeling like it'd be great if there was an intelligent and cultured, yet fun and lighthearted podcast that would discuss faith along with the everyday. A podcast that could have deep conversations on important topics AND great interviews with women who are smart, funny and downright inspiring.

So Haley and I just decided to jump in and start one!

We bought microphones, started climbing a steep learning curve when it comes to technology, coordinated our international schedules that are separated by two time zones, and several months later we've got our first episode.

We hope that this podcast feels like a great conversation among friends. When you're stuck at home doing the laundry, washing the dishes, changing a lot of diapers or whatever you happen to be doing, we hope that this podcast can give a boost to your day while brightening your soul and engaging your mind. We want to be able to talk about faith in our lives, especially what makes us Catholic, and how to live our countercultural faith in and out of our homes. We will talk about family, motherhood, love, marriage and romance, as well as loss, natural family planning, and the challenge of raising kids. But we also want to have a great time, talk about books, tv, and movies we love along with anything and everything that we might find amusing and fascinating.

We hope that you'll give us a try, load us up on your phone, listen on your computer and join us for great conversations. We know we've had a good time making the first episodes and we are hoping to get better and have more fun as we go along.

You can listen right now, here, to our first episode!

If you'd like to subscribe to us on iTunes we're already there too, and if you use an Android device Stitcher Radio is great for listening to podcasts. We've also got a Facebook page for you to like so you can follow us for upcoming guests and new episodes.

We really hope you listen!

follow along:

facebook ~ instagram ~ pinterest


  1. Oh gosh, you are so adorable. I can't wait to listen! Congrats!

  2. Just finished listening to your first episode and it was a delight! Definitely felt like a coffee date, and one that was much needed! I had a moment where the podcast had me thinking, "bloggers: they're just like us" and it was awesome. Can't wait to listen to the second episode!


Imagine we're having a coffee together and let me know what you think --
I love comments almost as much as coffee!

(And please check to make sure your email address is connected to your profile, I'd love to email you a reply.)