Thursday, September 18, 2014

Grace and Faith

Hope you're having a beautiful fall day, I just got out of bed and it's so warm out that I left all the windows open last night and now the tangy, inimitable smell of changing leaves has taken over the house. It's wonderful. And so much better than snow in September, I'm thankful!

Today, I'm over at Blessed Is She. This ministry is really great, and I can't say how impressed I am by all the other great writers who are writing daily devotions. They are so nice to read everyday and have already encouraged me to focus a little more time on my daily prayer. Please, head over and sign up, and join the growing community on Facebook and Instagram.

Here's a little of what I wrote today:

The way grace plays out in our lives in one of the most remarkable and mysterious things about a life of faith. For the most part, we don’t see grace in the everyday minutiae of our lives. We often don’t see grace in the larger events of life like loss and tragedy. This is why faith can be so difficult; to live and to preach to others. Because grace plays out on an almost invisible plane, not one that is quantifiable or observable.

Click on over for the whole thing.

And if you're here from over there, thanks for stopping by! Here's a little about me, but I believe it may be one child out of date, I have 5 kids ages 7 through 1 and they're pretty crazy, very loud, and lots of fun. I live in Alberta, Canada far from warmth for the majority of the year, and is something I never talk about (just kidding, all the time!). I typically enjoy writing here on the blog about books, G.K. Chesterton, life as a mom with the goal of creating and loving her home, and sometimes NFP.

I'd love it if you hung out for a while, and feel free to introduce yourself! I'm also all over Facebook and Instagram so make sure to follow for some good times.

follow along:

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  1. Yay for today being your reflection on Blessed is She! Looking forward to reading it :)

  2. Great reflection today Christy!!! I am just blown away on the beauty and insight from all these different women...what a great community!!

  3. Hi Christy! I loved your reflection! I actually found you a bit earlier through The Rhodes Log, but was so thrilled to find you were part of Blessed is She too:)


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