Friday, August 8, 2014

Seven Quick Takes vol. 96

Ummm...I'm linking up to Jen's 7 Quick Takes that has a picture of me with Jen in the post. It's a whole collision of all my blog dreams coming true!


I feel this has been a bad news week all around. I don't even like to say "news" anymore because what makes news in our media is so far from it for the vast majority of the time. But this week hearing such horrifying accounts of human suffering just leaves us somewhat stunned. I hate feeling half a world away and completely useless about it all. It's one of those situations where you question how much prayer can really do. But I am praying for Iraq and it's people, both Christian and Moslem and hoping there is an end to the terror.

Also; Gaza, Ebola. I grow weary thinking of it all, Have Mercy Lord on us.


These are going to have to mucho rapido today because we are all off to the city to take the kids to Fort Edmonton. Its sure to prove an exciting outing full of badly timed bathroom stops and much sheparding of slow, small people. But its no Disneyland so i think we can make it.


Ok, so it's Friday night, we're back from the day at the heritage park, we all made it home alive albeit exhausted! I took so few pictures on my phone and the camera is still in the car that has 400 new ones, so another time there will be photographic evidence. Suffice it to say though, I love that place. It makes me feel like I'm living in Avonlea and it's basically my dream come true. As Gemma would say. One day when Gemma's read Anne of Green Gables she'll know that Fort Edmonton park is really her dream come true, not princess filled Disneyland.


Potty training has been going so far so...laundry producing? It is hard to come up with a positive turn of phrase when describing potty training. I do however, prefer to look at progress not so much as always getting to the bathroom, or always telling me they need the potty, or even always telling me they've gone in their pants, but as a percentage game. He's going in the potty around 40% of the time. So thats 40% better than 3 days ago. Right? Right?? Yeah. I may be getting a bit desperate but it is all about staying stronger than the toddler who never wants to divorce the diapers.


I'm sure you have all read about the horrible tragedy of Sarah Harkins death last week. My heart breaks for her children, her husband, her family and friends. Jenny wrote so eloquently this week about it and the tragedy has been at the back of my mind too. Thoughts like: What if this was the last time I was stepping out of the house to play with my kids in the yard? How could such small babies be left motherless? How do you begin to help such small children deal with that amount of loss? And of course, there is always a questioning of God in these tragedies because it doesn't make sense and it seems so wrong.

Please God, give us the gift of faith to keep going in the midst of unknowing. I believe Sarah Harkin is praying for us all though and especially her children.


That tragedy came to mind this week when I stepped out my front door and got stung by a wasp. I didnt want to move. I wanted my husband to keep his fingers on my pulse. How does something so foreign have the ability to end life? I prayed anxious prayers that I would be alright, even though it was one tiny sting. How could I take that casual insect sting and my life so lightly now?

Then Max was stung 4 times on the leg yesterday and I not so mildly freaked out. I think he must have unknowingly barged into an area where the wasps were building a nest under a deck, and all his bare, potty-training flesh was too easy for the wasps to go after. The bites were red, ugly, and swollen and I was ready to drive him to the emergency room the second he showed any signs of worry, but he just brushed them off and didn't complain at all. He was very tough about the situation, and I felt stressed out and over-anxious. Thank God, though!


Great things in the internet this week included:

The wonderful fundraising for Kelly's son Fulton for a beach chair that gives him much easier access to enjoy the beach and ocean with his family! I'm just so happy we, the internet of friends, could all chip in a little and make life so much fuller and easier for a wonderful family! Good job Bonnie!

I'm a Father Barron nerd and an occasional Woody Allen fan so I loved Fr. Barron's article on Woody Allen.'s the Feast of St. Dominic who is the patron saint of our Dominic even though my Dom has been walking around all day saying, "Happy St. Dominic Savio Day!" Sigh.

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  1. Christy, so sorry you and Max got stung! Hope you both are feeling better. I've never been stung so I know I would have a complete meld-down if/when it happens.

  2. Sorry you got stung...although keep in mind that Sarah died from a brain aneurysm she already had that burst due to the bee stings...not an allergic reaction necessarily It's sad and tragic but not common and not something that is likely to happen at all. According to this website, in the US in 2000, 54 people died from bee strings while 90 died from getting struck by lightening and over 15,000 people got you should be more afraid of other people than of bees. LOL Although that's probably not helpful.

  3. You're not the only one a little more than freaked out by the whole wasp stinging ends life tragedy. My yard seemed to be filled with many more of them since I read Sarah's story. Apparently it wasn't my overactive imagination. Hubby found a wasp's nest inside our shed after he was stung mowing (a chore I've done for him a number of times lately).

  4. I just can't watch Woody Allen films. I know a lot, a lot of people love him but I just think of him as a creepy old man who should have to introduce himself as a child molester if he moved into my neighborhood. Harsh? Maybe.

  5. I so hear you on not being able to stand another tragic event in the news...yet it just keeps coming. Has really shown me how to put my worries in perspective too. And I've done some very fervent praying.
    Your blog is so fun! Love getting to look around :) And wuuuuut, a place like Avonlea to go to!?! Oh, lucky!!! Anne of Green Gables an all the other books are such favorites of mine. One day I hope I can get myself to Prince Edward day. Haha, maybe I'll be old and my kids will send me? ;)


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