Friday, June 27, 2014

Seven Quick Takes vol 94

Making it quick today because I have the longest list of errands to get done today while I'm kid-free in the city! Join Jetsetting Jen for the better takes!


Oh hey, Friday!
I'm happy another week has rolled around, we've had some rainy days this week and I can't believe how quickly it made me loco over the course of an afternoon! On the nice days this week we've been trying to just spend time outside, soaking up the warmth enjoying the non-tight spaces, expending as much toddler energy as possible! That's really where the majority of my time has gone this week. Not a bad thing, but not exactly Pulitzer material. 


Summertime - and I'm really not making drinking one of my goals, I promise.

Anyone have summer goals for yourself this summer? For some reason I think summer tricks us into believing we've got more time on our hands, like we're all in second grade and have nothing but time for the months of July and August. Ha! Mothers never have "summer"! Muahaha! But even though that idea is completely false it's nice to get an artificial boost in motivation right? I mean, we have to fool ourselves into thinking we have more time than we actually have in order to get stuff done sometimes. 


One of my summer goals is to get my act together in the basement and put up the boxes of pictures, and frames and art I've got strangling all my closets! The basement has two things on the wall and it's been painted for almost a year. Ridiculous. I'm also hoping to do a little of my own "crafting". I use that term extremely loosely and extremely dangerously because I'm horrible at it. But I figure I could at least try and pull something together for the sake of my walls!


Going along with the final finishes of the basement I am forcing myself to get a handle on my photo situation. It is out. of. con. trol. Seriously, probably three years of photos, none printed, partially edited. A mess. I want some printed, I want to order photo books, I want to lose ten pounds, I want to take over the world! Ok, I'd settle for a couple photos actually printed and put in frames, but photo books could realistically happen. Right? Rigghhtt?!? 


Nora's not quite walking yet, but she's living life dangerously close to becoming no-longer-an-official-baby. It's weird. It's even weirder I'm not pregnant. The longest I've gone between babies non-preggo is 18 months, so we're not quite into record breaking territory, but it's still kinda weird! But if she does start walking, no babe in arms? It's such a strange concept. However, it's not like it takes a lot of workload off, who am I kidding, she's currently on the floor eating hummus so I can write a little while the bigs are outside. It's either mess and time, or clean and constant vigilance! I chose time today.


We're just catching up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Anyone else watch it? I think it's fairly hilarious. Not quite as loveable as Parks and Rec, but a silly/hilarious type of funny that isn't found too often. So I guess I'm saying I like it.


Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart! Another solemnity, another day I can't make it to Mass! I really hope and pray that one day if I'm in a location that Mass is available without two hours of driving to get there, that I'll take advantage of it once in a while. But I can just picture myself living two blocks away from a church and pulling a lazy excuse though! That's why I'm praying now.

These summer feast days seem to go by quickly and without a lot of preparation on my part. But I feel as if they deserve extra celebration because of the fantastic weather and excellent beverages to choose from!

I am however, doing music for Mass with our Bishop tomorrow, then hopefully going to a Catholic family conference on Sunday, so what I lack in solemnity attendance I'll double down with the Sunday Mass this weekend! Happy Feast of SS. Peter and Paul!

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  1. You guys have the coolest playground!

  2. 1. We have that playset.
    6. Hubby and I like that show. It seems like one of the few shows that is actually funny. We also find The Goldbergs pretty funny or at least the Dad and oldest son on that show are funny.

  3. Yay!! Sunday!!! I'm praying that all the stars align and we can see you!

  4. The trick to my summer motivation this year is pregnancy. Must.clean.all.the.things! I need to take a few steps back and get a grip, though, or I'm going to put myself on track for early labor. (Perhaps I should let someone else crawl under the house and clean out the crawlspace?) ;-)

  5. I wish to write an email to you sometime


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