Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How To Give Yourself No Expectations for Life Postpartum - A Guest Post

My lovely blogging friend Olivia from To The Heights just had her first bundle of joy last week and asked me to write up a little guest post. Olivia's blog is a great mix of interesting topics from marriage, to health, to life as a Catholic. I really enjoy all she writes so it was an honour to be able to post for her!

Olivia requested something about advice I'd give for life postpartum and this post is the best I could come up with. I honestly tried not to be a Debbie Downer, but I find that there's not a lot of places to find genuine honesty about life postpartum, especially in our culture today which places so much importance on having the perfect birth, the perfect recovery, the perfect baby. (Mostly because you're only going to go through it one time!) But life postpartum, like motherhood itself, can be both good and difficult - and you've gotta talk about all of it. I hope to encourage those of us who may not have had our desired level of comfort right after birth or struggled with postpartum depression. And now I'll stop blabbing because clearly I could write several postpartum posts!

Do go check it out at To The Heights, and congratulate Olivia on her sweet son!

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