Saturday, May 31, 2014

Real Knowledge - Weekends with Chesterton

I just love this quote to remind me of what's really important; what's important about learning and education and the life of the mind is not to acquire a party-trick like mind, or a brain to brag about, but the ability to appreciate a poem, or the world around us. 

This can apply to ourselves, but also to our children. Especially homeschooling moms who feel the weight of having to teach their children True wisdom comes in the ability to appreciate, enjoy, and take in the world. Yes, it requires being able to read and write, but they in themselves are not the end we're trying to attain. We're not trying to attain skills, but we're practicing skills in order to appreciate and know the world. 

This all feels much too brainy for such a beautiful Saturday!

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  1. Mmm, I love the part about the gain of penmanship being the loss of memory. Makes me think of bards and tradition and fairy tales!

  2. That's a very good reminder!

  3. I love this. LOVE this. And I've never run across it before!

    Your saying that "what's important about learning and education and the life of the mind is not to acquire a party-trick like mind, or a brain to brag about, but the ability to appreciate a poem, or the world around us" is pretty wonderful too. If I can remember this as I plan the upcoming school year, we'll be good to go. :)


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