Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life Online is Part of Your Life Too

There is so much to say about life online.

For me, life online in it's various forms has added to my life in ways I never thought possible, and when I think about them they add up faster than I realize. I've found women I can look up to, women who share my faith, women who share my interests, women who don't give me a face of revulsion at the words "using NFP". Not only has it been wonderful to read about their lives from a distance, but I've become connected to many women I'd never have met otherwise. It's been encouraging and eye-opening to come to know people's stories, to share in their struggles, and feel their compassion even over the internet. I've made dear friends in the process who understand where I'm coming from, and even my quirks and flaws.

Not only am I a young mother to very small children, which in itself is inherently isolating, I live in an isolated area, near only a very small town with approximately zero other practicing Catholic families. As we all know, living a life of faith isn't the easiest when hardly anyone even understands what your faith is about, let alone why you would want to live it. Discouragement can seep in when we're going it alone, and that ever present dark voice likes to sneak up to remind us that maybe you are the only one living this way. Many times has my own self-confidence and self-reliance in my own faith has left me lonely and spiritually stagnant.

When I discovered the world of Catholic blogging I was overjoyed that there were normal, joyful, practicing Catholics in the world who enjoyed talking about it and sharing their life stories on the internet. Our Universal Church was here online, wide open for me to read and relate to on so many levels. I didn't feel quite so strange for hanging up icons in my house, or having 3 kids under 3, or thinking homeschooling was a valid family decision, or knowing how to translate names of Papal Encyclicals. It was beautiful to know I wasn't alone.

It's exciting to know that we're connected through a strange thing called Facebook, that I can see pictures of friends I've never physically hugged on Instagram, that a spiritual help can come through an email. I smile when I read my feeds in the morning when I can't get out of the house because I'm changing a dirty diaper every 10 minutes, or feeding kids every hour! Being able to text a quick hello to a friend when I'm still in yoga pants at 3pm 5pm with dirty hair and various baby smears of peanut butter and applesauce on my shirt brightens my day.

The fact is that those great people I've come to know through blogging, through Facebook, through Instagram, or those who have been thoughtful and kind enough to read the words I put online, have blessed me and made me a happier person. So for this reason alone I think it's time we all acknowledge that our time and life spent online is really just that: part of our life. It's important, rewarding, sometimes irritating, sometimes wildly out of proportion, but a part that helps us form real connections with each other across the many miles.

Here's some great ladies who are saying more great things about social media today, make sure to visit!

follow along:

facebook ~ instagram ~ pinterest


  1. This is great! I love these posts, just as I've loved getting to know fellow Catholic mom bloggers these past few months. It's been very good for my soul :)
    (I'm sure you follow so many blogs, but in case you want to check out another (nothing fancy!) I blog here )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for this post! I often feel guilty about the time I spend online, but it's true that online socialization is just as necessary as visits with local friends. I also live in an area where Catholic families are few and far between, and I know I would feel much more alone in my life as a Catholic wife and mother of two if I didn't have the wonderful bloggers I follow inspiring me! I've been reading your blog for about a year, though this is my first comment. I keep a small family blog over at

  4. Yes! Where would I be without the hilarious IG pics of your kids?

  5. That last paragraph is brilliant and very true! :)

  6. Great post! I enjoy following your blog.
    The online community has helped me a lot also in the world I live in which can be isolating at times.

  7. It really has been a gift to find other normal, joyful, practicing Catholic women on the web! The insight shared by you and so many other wonderful mama bloggers have blessed me tremendously. These are exciting times for us all and its exciting that we have found a way to come together and share beauty and truth.

  8. Beautifully put. Blogs have been a key component for me as I transitioned to being a mom and staying at home. There's solidarity in knowing there are other moms out there doing this thing and trying to be better people and love The Lord more while fulfilling this beautifully challenging vocation. I'm grateful for the wisdom you share and am better for knowing you via the internet!


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