Monday, April 21, 2014

Alleluia, it's Easter!

Happy Easter one and all! He is Risen!

I haven't peppered you with kid photos in ever so long, so buckle up, here's a little of our Easter weekend.

It snowed all day Good Friday. I'm sure we had over 6 inches. Completely white out and lots of heavy wet snow that was melting as it came down so we probably received more. So back out came the mitts and hats I had washed and locked up. And we tried to make some lemonade out of lemons, we build a snow bunny! Doesn't it feel like spring?

Holy Saturday we dyed eggs at my mom and dad's house with my brother and sisters. The kids have fully embraced this tradition and it is a big deal. Luke really hit his stride this year and was dying about a dozen per minute. 

Some of the finished product. My mom found those cute icon-like shrink wraps at a dollar store. Some were laughably photoshop, and some were actually very pretty. My sister and I were making Iconoclasm jokes as the kids accidentally cracked them. Because we're Church history nerds. 

Easter baskets on Sunday morning! The kids love that the Easter Bunny hid eggs full of jelly beans and chocolate all around the house to find. Nora was fairly impressed with the excitement.

I make everyone wear bunny ears. Gemma is already regretting this photo.

My siblings make another large outdoor Easter egg hunt for the kids on Sunday afternoon and it's unbridled happy chaos for them. It passes in a blue of running around and calling dibs on eggs. The snow melted completely Saturday, then yesterday it was raining and drizzling for most of the day.

We also ate a lot of chocolate.

Our only Easter Mass was Sunday evening at 5. The most un-Easter feeling time of day. I'm beginning to feel as if I live in Catholic dispersia. But we were all happy for Mass, and even though everyone had eaten their body weight in chocolate all day everyone was miraculously well behaved. 

Hope you're all having a blessed time of celebration, and remember -- Easter lasts 50 days so don't feel bad about eating more mini eggs!

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  1. No snow here, but it IS unseasonably cool for San Antonio. We haven't been swimming once, which is pretty strange.

  2. The fact that you guys got so much snow is still baffling me... God bless you! But the baby bunny ears? Insert melting heart. Y'all look like you had a wonderful weekend! Happy Easter!

  3. I'm glad I read this while Grace was not next to me - she would be jealous of all the chocolate your kids got to have. :) Love the family pics!

  4. So much fun (besides the snow, boo) arent aunts and uncles great for organizing egg hunts and things of that nature? Tell Gemma that she and Clara wore the same easter dress!

  5. Those icon eggs are AMAZING! Seriously, heading to our dollar store sometime soon in the hopes that they have them on clearance... AMAZING!!!

  6. Those icon-eggs look good from here. I'm glad there is plenty left of Easter because I haven't even got to make Easter eggs yet. I insist on dying Easter eggs.

    You all looked very nice for Easter!


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