Saturday, March 8, 2014

No Way to Earn a Star :: Weekends with Chesterton

I'm still reading the remarkable biography of St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. 

Let me tell you that there is no shortage of immensely quotable wisdom to be found on almost every page. But this short sentence is of singular beauty so I thought I'd share it here this week. 

The quote comes from the chapter where St. Francis's transformation from a regular good person into a saint of towering holiness is discussed. Chesterton's interpretation of holiness is everywhere in this chapter and it is refreshing to read. Among many insights Chesterton feels that there exists a stirring paradox of the truly holy person in that they know that they can in no way give back to God all that they owe, yet will give their lives entirely to him freely and passionately. At the heart of this relationship is gratitude. Gratitude always leads to humility and the knowledge that we deserve none of the wonders God has given to us in abundance. 

The truth of this quote resonates deeply and resets our perspective.

Joining Amongst Lovely Things for Weekends with Chesterton.

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  1. Beautiful quote. This Lent I'm really working on humility and this definitely is a great quote to focus on.

  2. Christy, you always have the best Chesterton!

  3. Christy, I'm not even reading Chesterton right now (because I'm buried with other books), but every time I read one of your posts about him, I wish I were. This is beautiful. Thanks.

  4. This is why Chesterton is my patron saint. He gets me. <3

  5. Wow. Just wow. Thanks!

  6. such a profound saying. Thanks Christy for the beautiful picture!


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