Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Motivation

Oh, another Monday!

Sometimes Mondays can be so filled with stay at home mom melancholy. A long week stretches ahead with no sleep in sight and only messes to clean up and fights to break up and food to distribute to the starving masses.

However! I had a fairly great weekend despite grumpy babies and difficult toddlers and over-emotional 6-year-olds (I'm not naming any names or anything!) so I hope I'm headed towards a decent Monday.

The thing about motherhood is that it's a whole lot more dependent on your own attitude than you really want to admit. You're always going to have a kid going through some "stage" of difficulty. If you have more than one I think that's almost a guarantee. There are always going to be messes, there are always going to be a discipline/behaviour/learning issues to deal with, there will always be laundry. But we do have a choice involved with whether or not we're going to let our children and their different needs for mothering dictate how joyful or discouraged we get. And sometimes that seems like an annoying fact of life because it's a lot easier to grumble and blame it on the teething baby than to choose happiness.

The tried and true proverb of the years flying by is oh-so-true though. I don't want to look back and think about being a constant grump for those years where my children overflowed with bottomless joy and wonder. So I think of that when I need to snap out of the irritable, spiralling out of control bad moods. Sometimes its enough to make the choice to change your attitude that can kickstart a better pattern, even if it's just a few more smiles and more time for cuddles.

When I think about it, making a choice makes room for grace. With a small act of the will God can do so much. In that way our small choices mirror Mary's perfect "yes". 

A picture of each of my babies, Gemma through Nora, all at age 11 months. I'm getting all sentimental about my babies getting so big so fast, what is going on?!

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  1. This was just so perfect for this dreary Monday morning, I was definitely meant to read it! Thank you! :)

  2. It's so true. I've never felt so guilty as when I'm a snippy grump with my daughter. She doesn't deserve that! Thanks for the reminder and for tying it in with Mary's fiat.

  3. I really needed to read this right now. You are so right about attitude being a huge factor in motherhood... and right now, as I just finished yelling at the boys, I needed to make an adjustment, because it's 8:30 a.m. and I have to be mom for the rest of the day. I tip my coffee cup to you!

  4. Such a sweetly insightful and beautiful post! Love all your baby pics too!! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Perfect, perfect, perfect...and boy, did I have an attitude this morning! Sometimes it feels like Monday is out to get me, but you are so right- we always have a choice in how we respond. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  6. What a beautiful post! Love it - thanks so much for sharing! And, the pics are just precious!

  7. This is such a good reminder! Thank you so much.

  8. Oh the cuteness .. so so so much cuteness! Those adorable smiles and cheeks brightened my Monday!

  9. So much awesome in this post - thanks for the attitude reminder! And our little yeses, too. I find myself often wondering how much they matter, so thanks for that. =)
    And your babies at 11 months are all pretty flippin cute.


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