Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013 - a year in 13 photos

Happy New Year dear readers!

I hope you're all sipping away the first day of the new year, we're huddled together for warmth as its frigid outside once again. And since my brain still says "Vacation!" I'm digging deep and linking up with the wonderful Dwija with her photo wonders once again!

I love looking back over the year through my photos. I know it sounds beyond cliche, but it really is what helps me remember certain things about the kids, what we did, memories of all shapes and sizes as time flies by. Here's a snapshot of snapshots!


Cold, so cold. But we made it out for sledding even though being bundled and unable to move, Max still had fun. Or maybe still stayed alive. 


Max started walking in February. Finally! I was only 8 months pregnant. I'm glad he held strong and insisted upon being carried by his waddling mother. He had to milk his last days of being a baby. And with a face like this I guess I can forgive him...


Our Nora was born March 25! That must be the big news for our March this year. We were so happy to welcome a little sister for Gemma who just couldn't wait for another little girl in the family. I was so very happy to not be pregnant anymore and to have a beautiful, healthy, miraculous baby. If I've learnt anything from having 5 babies its that the miracle of them gets more amazing each time!


Easter was in April this year right? We had a chaotic one with a new baby, but we did manage some egg colouring! Which is a pretty important part if you ask the kids!

And a bonus picture from April:

Just cause they're so cute.


My first apple tree picture with five bambinos! A source of unending torture for each boy, and clearly poor Nora whom I tried to blind. But still, I can't stop my photo traditions!


Nora was baptized! After a bit of drama with the church, which I am firmly burying in my psyche we successfully fulfilled our parental obligations and now have 5 little members of the Church. She was an adorable little saint.


Oh beautiful summer days where the kids can play on the deck in their pajamas! I miss this perfect days! I love watching the kids enjoy summer. Out in bare feet, blowing bubbles, splashing in the sprinkler or puddles, picking flowers. I need to stop torturing myself now...


Its hard to remember when its so hot outside we run through the sprinkler every afternoon, but it really happened! I have pictures to prove it! We had a laid back summer with the inflatable pool every afternoon. I'd sit and watch while nursing a baby and kids ran every where in various stages of undress. Perfection.


This is how Max created a double stroller out of a single stroller. He thought his innovation was fairly revolutionary and rode like this everywhere for at least a month.

Babies on top of babies.


She may be tiny but she has a flair for the dramatic. This may be one of those pictures I dig up after she wins a couple oscars. Probably for crying just like this.


We had a joint birthday party for the Irish twins a couple weeks after Luke's birthday and a couple weeks before Dom's. They're the same age for about 4 weeks a year and I somehow mustered this amazing Lego cake creation for them. I'm now going to hide all these pictures so there can be no jealousy or heightened expectations for birthdays of the future!


Our year winds up back in the cold of winter, but full of the joy only found in life with 5 crazy kids! I'm glad I survived another year! Things keep getting better even when I'm positive I'm bursting with happiness.

Happy New Year!

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  1. Such fun! Love the photos of your children! And I'm impressed with that Lego cake. I need to remember that for our boys....

  2. These pics are great!! And wheeeere did you find the dress you were wearing in May's picture? I love it. Happy 2014!!

    ~ Country Girl's Daybook

  3. I love all of these! The sprinkler photo is great, and I love Nora's crying one, too. So funny!

  4. Your family is absolutely ADORABLE!! Love the sparklers on the Lego cake. I have 5 boys, and I just know they would love that!

  5. Thank you for sharing :) I love reading your blog, I find it inspirational as I am a struggling mother of 3. I think you're doing a marvelous job! God bless

  6. Love this snapshot of snapshots! The sprinkler photo is awesome. :)


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