Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Little Girl's Room Update

So I got a little, tiny, itsy-bitsy bit crafty and thus - pictures!
Really, I've got to document this kind of miraculous happening or else it probably didn't happen at all. 

Gemma's room was needing something -- it had been ages since I'd done anything to add some fun to it, and I wanted to desperately but had no real inspiration. Then my mom crocheted these stars, thought it would be fun for a garland, mentioned this in my presence - and BAM! I had some idea for Gemma's room. 

I also found a $4 roll of music-note wrapping paper that I knew must become bunting. Because I have one rule of decorating kids rooms and its this: paper garlands everywhere! So I whipped up a little random, non-perfect, very homemade music-note paper garland that I thought might look cool/eclectic/passable layered with the crocheted stars of many colours. 

And then I added a disco ball. Because it's awesome.

Now we have this sweet little updated wall. Which would look much better with more light, but this was a sunshine-y day and it looks like the inside of a cave because this room is on the northeast side of the house and doesn't get the warmest winter light. Not cool low winter sun.

Gemma wanted to add some photos that I printed through Origrami, because I'm obsessed with the Instagram as you all know, and I complied. Max loves to rip them off the wall approximately 2.5 seconds after I stick-tack them up there, but they look cute in these pictures at least!

I'm a little in love with these crocheted stars. I really want to make some too, someday, when I get all that spare time I've got coming! The colours in this yarn my mom used are much brighter in real life and so much fun.

Gemma even made her bed for me, which is pretty miraculous all in itself! Please note I've left out the rest of the room that includes a destroyed window blind and Max's crib. Poor Max, it's a girl's room...he's just living in it!

I'm linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter because this is a big, fat combination of Pretty, Happy, Funny and Real don't you think?

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  1. Looks AMAZING! Definitely Pinterest-y, Christy!

    Now I want to crochet stars ...

  2. I LOVE the music note bunting!! I found some old sheet music that I want to add either to our gallery wall or frame for one of the girls' rooms (eventually they will share, anyway). Now to remember where I stashed it...

  3. Lovely! I want to learn to crochet someday.

  4. Darling! Such a smart idea to use wrapping paper for the bunting. :)

  5. Stop the show. Are those matyoshka dolls on the bedspread? *^* See, this is why I need a little girl!


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