Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Advent and A Sunday Outfit

Happy Advent!

It feels so exciting to have Advent here. No more prepping for the prepping, we can just live Advent now.

Here way up north, the days are very short and the nights oh-so long which makes the world waiting in darkness aspect of Advent very apt. When you feel as if you're living half your life during the night you notice how needed the light is. But the darkness begins to feel eerily magical and anticipatory when Advent begins...

Last night we went to Mass for the First Sunday of Advent in the dark and returned in the dark. So please forgive my dark photos!

(I all think I use What I Wore Sunday as "Weird Face Practice" and I'm beginning to think the same thing. But I'm going to stick with blaming the photographer. I also staged these shots to include that laundry on the draw in more random google searches for "messy fashion models homes" because thats where the money really is.)

The cute grey cotton jersey dress with sequin peter-pan collar was generously given to me by eShakti for an honest review. I sent in my custom measurements and poof! this fun dress arrived made for moi. I don't know about you but every since having those bambinos it's be extra tough to find dresses that fit. Usually a certain half of the body is now grossly out of proportion with the cute dress sizes I find on the rack and it gets maddening after a while. But this dress fits like a glove, and its nice midi-length feels so nice on these blustery and cold winter evenings where tights don't quite cut it. I'm really impressed with the dress's quality in comparison with its relatively reasonable price. And it was so hard to choose because their great selection makes you wonder at a lot of different dress possibilities! Right now they're having a great 35% off sale which I'd highly recommend you take advantage of - they even ship to Canada for a reasonable amount! 

I'm wearing my little booties in these photos because that's what I wore to Mass, but I think the dress looks cuter with my wedges, its just that it was really cold and I can wear a pair of socks inside the booties without anyone knowing. Except you, of course.

Now, off to find my Advent wreath! I hope you all have a blessed and restful first Sunday of Advent!
And I was just looking at my past advent posts in case you are looking for more Advent reading:

G.K. Chesterton and How to Celebrate Christmas - G.K. always sets you about looking at things in a new and wonderful way and he really loved Christmas

The Beauty of Advent Music - Give Advent music a try, cmon please!

Advent and Waiting - Written by me as a very, very, preggo lady.

And I just noticed that all my pictures from my Ugly Advent Wreath round-up aren't loading which is a tragedy! So I may have to post again this week with an updated version - except to counteract the ugly, maybe we should simultaneously have an Advent wreath link-up too? That way I don't feel so bad making fun of the ugly ones...

As usual I'm linking with the wonderful FLAP ladies - you should too!

follow along:

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  1. One of these days I'm going to hire you and Kendra to help me pick out some Eshakti clothes! I'm always so jealous of what you guys wear.

  2. That is a super cute dress! And, noe of the pictures on your ugly Advent wreath link-up are boo..I really wanted to see them.

  3. I love the dress! I need to work on my winter wardrobe... Maybe I'll have to check eshakti out!

  4. What a lovely dress that fits you so nicely! I need to locate my Advent wreath too!

  5. That dress is so cute! You look great, Christy. And I love browsing Eshakti's website. :)

  6. That dress is SO pretty, I do love eShakti! The collar is great and it looks cozy but fancy.

  7. That color and collar are both uh-may-zing on you!

  8. Ummmm, I don't buy that this eShakti is a clothing company... I'm pretty sure eShakti is what you call the little tailor you keep in your closet that makes you absolutely perfect bespoke dresses.... Puhleese! It's simply perfect!

  9. The Peter Pan collar on that dress is just precious. What a perfect staple for a wardrobe. I can see this dressed up or down and given a totally different look just by changing the accessories! I also am very impressed with your makeup application. That pop of red on the lips is just the perfect touch that makes it Polished.

  10. I love that dress (the collar is just amazing!)! And I had to laugh at your laundry comment because almost all of my pictures are like little slices of just me with my elbows practically cropped off because there is laundry everywhere all the time. Even when I kick it away it seems to crowd back in.

    I'm so excited that the prepping for the prepping is over! I always worry about all the things I want to do when Advent gets here and the day it arrives I can finally let go of half of those ideas and simplify!

  11. cute! I love that it has pockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love your honesty. my house is a hot mess too, right now.

  12. So pretty! All of it! The shoes, the dress (I heart pocket dresses!!), fun shade of lipstick, and still love your glasses! Happy Advent to you!

  13. I have resolved to only wear dresses/skirts with pockets to Mass anymore because I need a place to store/hide my toddler's pacifier before he throws it at the people sitting in front of us yet again... suffice to say that this dress is a delight and looks adorable on you. :)


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