Friday, September 20, 2013

Seven Quick Takes vol 60

Friday, Friday Seven with the Great Fulwiler! Go see the better takes at Conversion Diary.


I'm only able to type right now because Nora's sleeping! Otherwise it would probably be just random, sporadic letters of my hunting and pecking with my one free arm. There has been oh-so much teething going on around here! As in I can't put her down without instant tears. I've started to refer to her simply as "She Who Must Be Held." I think its catching on. Probably by her first birthday she'll just be referred to as little She Who for short. 


Its just a matter of simple fact to say we pretty much have babies as close together as humanly possible, but still - BUT STILL - both my husband and I forget how bad teething can be. This is baby number five and we're still asking each other, "Was it this bad every other time?" Yes. Yes, of course it was. We just have blocked it out successfully as soon as its over. Its probably some kind of PTSD. 


Thank goodness I'm in the same boat as MamaH because she's so hilarious I laughed out loud, and not simply because I'm finding most things funny on such small amount of sleep. But really, you have to read her latest post on teething and Michael Jackson. I loved it. 


So I've been meaning to answer all your burning preschool/toddler/small person homeschooling questions, but all this homeschooling is really getting in the way. Irony. Spoiler alert though - I don't do much but its worth a post anyway!

We've had a better week this week getting into more of the routine of the reading/writing and math in the mornings, but I still feel as if I'm just running around with my head cut off. Which maybe never goes away. But I know I'll feel a little more comfortable once we establish a more stable routine. Me + routine = forevah.


I spent yesterday's nap time reading Pope Francis's interview with America and all I can say is: Wow. Its an amazing encapsulation of the Holy Father as a person and I just really enjoyed it. There is so much to unpack, and I'm sure most everyone will be talking about it, but I'm really glad I read it for myself in its entirety. Please give it a chance if you have a spare half I a slow reader?


There are so many topics discussed in the interview that I want to talk about, but I think I should ponder them longer in order to be coherent but my intial feelings are all really good. I love that he's challenging the staid idea of how the Church should function. And not on an officious level, but on the ground level. The basics. I feel its as if we've been living in a Church that has forgotten that its main goal of bringing souls to Christ. Its gotten bogged down in trying to be the self help, ecumenical, bureaucratic, substance-less, bland, unchallenging, building down the street. And by "it" I mean all of us. Its a group effort. Pope Francis's words are challenging.

I also loved how he talking about Ignatian spirituality which I think has been really out of fashion, or simply gotten a bad wrap because of bad Jesuits, or something. But the Ignatian spirituality is really a missionary spirit that the Pope is trying to inject into the Church. Its interesting to know where he's coming from.

And I loved when the Pope mentioned his favourite operas! Love it. And how he sent stories his students wrote to Jorge Luis Borges. Amazing. Love. 

But I'm still thinking!


The beloved husband and I are going on a date to Ikea today. I'm sure it will be everything you're imagining. We'll stroll through the strangely laid out rooms, argue about what type of bookshelf to buy, loose each other somewhere in kitchens, but be dramatically brought back together by either true love or those well placed arrows on the floor. 

Actually I'm really excited. I love my yearly sojourn to the Ikea and all things that I can't pronounce. I think we'll sneak a lunch too. I hope I don't forget to buy those Scandinavian cookies I like so much...

Happy Weekend lovely readers!

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  1. Nora is too precious! And I hope the painful teething subsides quickly for all your sakes!

  2. My Anita was just like that. She ALWAYS had to be in the sling, peeking out at you. I found in my internet history that someone had been googling things like "antisocial baby" when my parents were visiting! But it made her happy, and in the sling I at least mostly had my hands, but that's what she needed so that's what we did. (I wasn't trying to blog though!) But now, she is THE most charming, chatty, friendly 4 year old you can imagine.

    And then Frankie wanted to be held, but hated any type of carrier at all. Figures.

  3. Her little blanky is so beautiful in that first pic, and so is she of course!


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