Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five, tv, hair...what more do you want??

I haven't done Five Favourites in a while and I just miss here goes!


Do you ever like someone's whole album anymore?? I mean apart from Mumford and Sons?? Anyone?? Well this is the first time in a long while that I've liked the entire album of someone who's song I can't get out of my head. (That song is "What I Wouldn't Do" - at least go listen to that one!) Its Serena Ryder's Harmony album and its on the iTunes store or where ever you procure your muzak these days. She's listed in iTunes as "Folk" but I call her good pop. As in no awful lyrics about stripper poles, but fun, well-written songs about love. 


This isn't really my favourite this week, but it is Dominic's. Its the Angry Birds board game, if you will. On the box it says, "Based on the popular app." And when I read that I died a little on the inside. The board games are based on apps now people...weep a little for society. But Dom doesn't have a clue about the app because I'm a little anal about keeping the small devices away from the smalls for as long as possible, but he really loves this game! Its silly, its plastic, but it does come with little blocks to build the towers and a sling shot to throw little angry birds. Or "bad birds" as Dom calls them. Anyways its a lot of fun for him and sometimes you want a board game for small children...right? Or do we just want apps? 


Online shopping. Just any online shopping. This week I'm ordering a bunch of fun books for "school" because we have homeschooling funding in our province and since I've bought as much core curriculum as I think I'm going to use I'm really going to town on Amazon with the good children's books. But shopping...its so bad but soooo good. Last week was Zulily...don't get me started...


We've started watching ye old Foyle's War the last couple weeks. It has to be one of the only Masterpiece Mystery series that has thus far gone unwatched by me. And it is so good. I've only watched two episodes and I'm completely behind it. Foyle is such a great character. He is a British badass in that he seems so stoic and nonchalant at times, but really he's incredibly smart and when he brings the hammer down on the bad guys its really awesome. It all takes place in small coastal town in Britain during the Second World War and it does an amazing job portraying the various strains the war caused on everyday life. 


If you're a hair product junkie like myself you'll wanna try this bad boy out. Its the Pantene Pro-V Ultimate 10 Bb Creme. Its cheap, it kinda works wonders, and its cheap! My hair is wavy/weird/frizzy, and this stuff tames without being heavy. It's also one of those products where you can use a little to fight frizz or more to get curls. It seems to really up the shine too. Its worth a try for sure!

Now onward to better faves-Moxie Wife here you come!


  1. Michael Kitchen! I looooove Foyle's War. Ugh, Christy. Why aren't we next door neighbors who sneak over to each other's houses in the evening to drink cocktails and watch BBC shows while our husbands put the kids to bed? Why isn't that our life?! :)

  2. Amazon has Magic School Bus the Complete Collection for $24.99 (reg. $99). We used this as our 'science' program in elementary!

  3. You had me at the first it's cheap!! Definitely putting that on a shopping list to try out.

  4. Speaking of homeschooling.... are you coming on with WISDOM this year? :-)

  5. Homeschooling funding? Amazing! I, too, am a lover of online shopping. So much so that the UPS guy feels the need to comment on how often we see each other.

    "Seems like this is pretty much an every other day thing, huh?"

  6. I spent a whole bunch of money on homeschooling stuff the past couple of weeks... and en found out we will get funding through a charter school this fall, but not for what I've already bought. Sheesh!

  7. I really enjoy BBC. When I was in total shock after our first baby, and in a new home, all within two months, I just spent my days nursing and watching BBC. Long live North and South!


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