Saturday, July 27, 2013

Odds and Ends

Oh! You thought I missed a day!? Well, its still 10 pm MST so I win, its still Saturday!

We've been gone all day to the big city for a visit with family and oodles of toddlers. And to procure a giant carload of costco. We were out of baby wipes course I also needed hemp seeds and Brookside chocolate...Grace what are those chicken and cilantro wontons of which you speak??

In honor of all that business I give you just a couple of odds and ends of fun links from this week, enjoy:

-  I'm sure you've all seen this article about Kate's post-baby bump, but I still love the idea of it. Thinking back to the days leading up to her wedding and the extreme scrutiny of her weight and reports she was trying to loose weight for the wedding makes this postpartum fashion statement a little nicer I think. It reflects a more mature attitude towards her body, not one of extreme self-consciousness, but of acceptance, confidence, and embracing motherhood.

- Rosie did a great Five Favourites of good children's music. I'm ordering these from the library soon, and maybe Amazon, a break from Veggie-Tales would be good!

- Someone make me these! They look so delicious...yet I have no time to make such handcrafted goodness.

- I liked this story of a family vineyard providing Pope Francis's wine while he visited Aparecida. I'm glad the Pope gets good wine where ever he goes.

- A here's a good news story that began in my neck of the woods. I think buying 500 people a coffee would feel pretty awesome.

I'm beat. I need bed. Will I make a post for tomorrow??


  1. Fun kids music recommendations - any of the They Might Be Giants Kids CD's (Here Comes Science and the Numbers CD) and The Okee Dokee Brothers.

    And if you need a break for kids music altogether you should track down the audiobooks done by Rabbit Ear Productions. So good!

  2. I love that photo- where did you find that?

  3. Thanks for the link!

    I loved seeing Kate's bump - how refreshing after all those celebrities somehow get instantly skinny after giving birth!


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