Sunday, June 2, 2013

A whole lotta Sacramental Grace going on!

We've got a full-fledged sinless baby in our midst!

We finally had Nora baptized yesterday, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ,  and now I feel as if a large burden of parental duty has finally been released and I can rest safely knowing my baby is "in"! But honestly, I couldn't help but feel good knowing that my baby is now part of our huge, crazy yet beyond interesting, holy yet complex Church while at the same time receiving the very personal graces through the sacrament. I love knowing that she's in God's hands and not just mine, phew we're all thankful for that!

Here she is pre-washed-clean-from sin, although she doesn't look it does she!

Is there anything cuter than a baby in a knitted bonnet? I think not.

This is the best family shot we could muster. I'm pretty happy we got all of us together in a photo to be honest.

And heres the rest of me familia. Can you get over the range of bizarro expressed we make? 

I won't go into behavioural grades because lets just say I failed. Emotional breakdown was I! And I wore a sleeveless dress! 

We partied and barbecued and drank margaritas all day yesterday with family! A fun party celebrating a beautiful sacrament and a beautiful baby! And today and completely exhausted and have barely moved from the couch. We're about to have a dinner consisting of popcorn and raspberries.

I'm linking up this party with the FLAP and Grace's Sunday Best party - go see them! 


  1. I LOVE your dress. But Nora...oh that Nora babe is a precious doll and I will nom her sweet little cheeks!

  2. Your babe is absolutely adorable and all your kids for that matter! Congrats on the baptism, nothing better than that!

  3. You look stunning. What a beautiful family!! Yay for baptisms!!

  4. What a precious family! Congratulations to the new Catholic! And your dress is beautiful!

  5. Oh Nora!!!!! LOVE that sweet baby pic!!! And the family photos are awesome. Great margaritas? oh yea!!
    I wore sleeveless to mass today (but I appeal to being a nursing totally not an excuse but it's mine!)

  6. Hooray for Nora!!

    Your dress is absolutely gorgeous - the group photo is awesome.. so many colors!!

  7. Oh, man. That is one cute baby! I'm not sure I can handle the cuteness of a new baby AND a new Christian! So. Much. Awesome.

    Also, your whole family looks lovely. :)

  8. So 5 kids that's insane, wait what? Just trickin' I have 6 I see there are more gluttons for punishment than just my own self. So would the bonnet work for teenagers? You think not? Oh you're littlest one... so precious and what a perfect family picture. I'm proud and amazed they're all in the same frame! I still can't get mine to do that. You have a beautiful family and p.s. that dress is absolutely fantastic!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous shot of the baby and your family shot is also worth framing!!

  10. First things first. Christy, you look amazing! I can't believe you've had 5 kids... I guess you are younger than me. I started on the baby train too late, I'm screwed! That dress is so Mad Men-retro-fabulous! Your family looks so wonderful despite not perfectly looking at the camera, really! And that Nora... she is such a sweet little peanut. :) Stay little for your Mama, Nora!

  11. LOVE the dress, and yay for no more limbo fears!
    Ain't no party like a Catholic baptism party, cause celebrating the sacrament don't stop! Woot, woot!


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