Friday, March 1, 2013

Seven Quick Takes vol. 35

Joining the usual gang over at Jen's this week-go check them out!
I'm officially in "sede vacante denial" mode, so please enjoy my miscellaneous whining! 


What the what?! Its March?! Well, I for one can go on record as believing that was the longest February ever. Just like I will swear this is the longest pregnancy ever. And the longest winter. Don't give me your "facts" that a pregnancy can only last 9 months, or "stats" that we've had colder or snowier winters because I just will not believe them. My husband will attest to this. I'm very good at holding irrational statements as truths.


We've still got well over two feet of snow on the ground but the temperatures have been slightly over freezing for most of this week. I don't think that all the snow will be gone by Easter at this rate. Which is kinda sad. I would like to have a couple Easters where the weather is actually Spring. Just to switch it up and everything! I'm sure this is similar to people who live in the tropics would just like one Christmas with snow...


We had moose in our yard on Tuesday! They wondered in and were having a great time eating my little birch tree in front of our house. We have moose in our yard at least once a year. When Gemma was about a year old she saw them walking across the lawn and developed a pathological fear of moose for at least the next two years.  If we showed her even a picture of moose she'd freak out. We would sometimes show her moose pictures just for the sake of her reaction. That story probably won't make my parenting book, but it was really hilarious at the time! They are kinda scary when you think about it though. 


Crisis averted! I got to my midwife on Wednesday and the baby's head is down and I'm officially crazy. 
I'm sure no one saw that coming. 
But I feel better. I think I'm getting closer to being mentally able to accept I'm about to soon give birth. I don't understand why I have these ridiculous mental blocks and issues, but they're there and they're huge. Hopefully my crazy anxiety is also improving somewhat.  I might make it after all!


I finished The Language of Flowers last week and really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful story about motherhood essentially, even though the story is described from the point of view of a girl who grew up without a family who was moved in and out of foster care. The writing isn't ground breaking, but the depiction of the importance of motherhood is what makes the story and the book worthwhile. It definitely jerked some tears from me, especially when describing the intensity of postpartum, but no ones shocked by that right?


In wonderful fashion news Janie Bryant has done another collection with Banana Republic thats perfect as usual. I think this is the second Mad Men collection she has done with Banana Republic, and it just makes me a firm believer that she should be dressing the world. I love the Sixties colours and patterns! I wish I had a dress size I could depend on and order a dress or seven, I think the coral shift is the greatest! 


I'm glad its Friday because my very limited amount of patience is completely spent. I really want more than five minutes between toddler needs. Sometimes its just the asking every five minutes no matter what its for that just puts me over the edge...I wonder how old kids have to be to impose mandatory periods of silence like a monastery?? 

Hope you all have a tolerable like its March!

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