Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby news!

The baby is here!

Actually she's been here since Monday morning. Nora Marie was born at 8:03 am, March 25 after a fairly peaceful labor, which is a major win considering her crazy mother! She weighed in right in the middle of the pack at 6 lbs 15 oz. Basically I'm saying she was seven pounds. She's really beautiful and has gorgeous dark hair with the sweetest little lips and what looks like the beginnings of kissable pudgy cheeks!

We're home after spending an extra day in the city and have been recovering well other than the added complication of me needing extra WhnRho antibodies yesterday which meant another trip to the city. And more needle poking. But other than that I can't complain too much and we're all trying to sleep as much as possible.

The kids are pretty in jumping off the walls a little. Gemma is over the moon excited to have a sister finally and is constantly asking to hold/carry/dress-up/take outside the baby. The boys are happy to have a baby around for a little extra parental distraction to allow for more adventurous shenanigans, and Max is...well...a permanent resident of tantrum town. Clearly this baby adjustment is going to be hardest on him. He seems pretty miserable at everything and we haven't figured out what exactly would make him happy and he doesn't care to elaborate much on the subject. These life changing events are a pretty big deal when you're only 16 months old!

Thanks so much for all your prayers, I really think they helped. I'm so happy to have a healthy, beautiful baby and to no longer have to think about imminent birthing! God is good!

Hopefully sometime in the next few months I may have time to inch out a fairly undramatic birth story for you. Until then I hope everyone has a very blessed Easter Triduum, and a very happy Easter!


  1. Oh my gosh. She's so, so, so gorgeous. Her sweet little lips! And her eyes!

    That picture of her siblings all crowded around her, pouring out all their love her for is beautiful. So much love you can feel it through the screen.

    Rest up, Mama!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is stunning and I LOVE the name!!

  3. She is absolutely GORGEOUS. And I am so happy for you and your lovely, not-too-remarkable birth. Those are the best kind :)

  4. YAY! What a BEAUTIFUL baby! Congrats to you, lady. Can't wait to hear how it all went!

  5. she is totally gorgeous, and you look amazing at less than a week post-partum. amazing.

  6. I'm so happy for you that she is here, that she is well, that YOU are well. You are a lovely mom and so inspiring! Have a beautiful Easter Christy and family!

  7. Oh my gosh, she's so wudgie! And I love the name Nora! A sweet name for a sweet little girlie :) Congratulations and Happy Easter!


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