Sunday, February 17, 2013

What I Wore Sunday or more accurately some baby first steps

I think What I Wore Sunday is one of the few motivating factors that make me put in even a small amount of effort into my wardrobe these days so here's my non-exciting entry for this week!

As usual we went to our only Mass of the weekend Saturday night so forgive my terrible lighting! My little cling-on decided to photo bomb these pics by whipping out his little used new skill of walking! This is exciting stuff my friends, we try to coax a few steps out of him and he'll adamantly refuse, until for some strange reason a mood will strike and he'll just walk around like he's been walking for months or something! This was one of those rare moments...which come to think about it was pretty handy since we already had the camera ready.

See my sheer amazement?! Also my really frizzy hair? I'm going to blame it on pregnancy but its really been a lifelong chronic condition.

I finally broke down and bought some maternity skinny jeans from Gap which I don't regret at all because I'll probably wear them even more postpartum because I'm lazy. And this is a maternity top from Old Navy, I kinda wish I bought it in the pattern it came in now, but the pockets are pretty fun. This is exactly the kind of top I tend to hold off for the longest possible time because it just makes me look tenty-pregnant...does that make sense? I think its because I'm so short that these long, dress-like tops just don't work on me. But such is being eight months pregnant right? 

Oh! I can't forget that I actually got to wear wedges today because we were experiencing balmy positive single digit temperatures! I was probably risking my poor unborn child in navigating snow and ice from the car to the church...but it felt like a great change of pace from boots! I admit it. 

Make sure to go visit the way more fashionable ladies at Fine Linen and Purple!


  1. You're such a cutie pie. That outfit is killer.

  2. Cute scarf, and I love your wedges! Yay for first steps!

  3. Oooooh! I love those pumps!!! And that orange scarf really makes the outfit!

  4. This outfit is way too foxy for the third trimester! Color me jealous.

  5. What a great scarf, and I really like your wedges (and your cute little walker!)

  6. I wore big girl shoes today for the same reason. Boots be gone!

    Also, we are totes hair twins.

  7. Yay for Max walking!!! Glad you won't be lugging two babies around ALL the time! You look super cute and hardly like you are eight months pregnant!

  8. My little one just started walking too! She never walks when she's "supposed to" either. Your outfit is CUTE!

  9. I love it! Yay for first steps and a fabulous outfit!! A great day indeed.

  10. I'd say you look pretty darn good in this outfit, I love the red scarf, it really stands out. Your little guy agrees with me, he seems to be adoring you in the last picture. You r sun is like my son, he picks his moment to start walking when everybody is watching!


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