Thursday, January 17, 2013

a late-ish {pretty,happy,funny,real}

I'm linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter today, although very late!!, for some photos. 
(And I'm still swooning over Leila's fantastic bedroom!!)


Here's some of my winter bulbs springing up. Because of my unorganized and frantic December the one thing I didn't happen to buy were Christmas bulbs and I was pretty depressed about it. I love growing amaryllis and paperwhites! But lo and behold upon being drug to Home Depot a couple weeks ago I scooped up a bunch of half price orphan bulbs and they're already drastically improving my quality of life. Its ridiculous how seeing something green in this winter white makes a difference to the house.

And my hubs surprised me with a 50mm lens for the camera that I'm trying out...if I fool around with it in my spare time I might be competent with it in about 20 or so years!


A weekend of bordering-on-tolerable-for-humans weather made us get all crazy and go out sledding. I like to think this blurry picture with daddy is really cool.


Is it awful that this picture of an adorable and lonely-looking Max makes me ridiculously happy? Its tough being held captive by a snowsuit.


"I love when my baby figures out how to go downstairs by "himself"!"
Oh wait, no one has ever said that ever.
 But dang it if the little guy didn't figure it out this week and decide that its the greatest thing. Judging by the others looks of horror and shock, it looks like the den of endless toys, aka the basement, might not be the most welcoming place for the little buddy. 

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are awesome!
    That little guy on the sled -- classic. They get out there and are STUCK!!
    Love it.


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