Sunday, December 16, 2012

What I Wore Sunday vol. 5

Hey everybody, I'm completely keeping it real this week and putting up my sad looking outfit just to be honest! Somehow it makes me feel less guilty enjoying looking at what everyone else is wearing over at Fine Linen and Purple when I at least contribute! 

We had a whirlwind weekend of Christmas shopping, seeing family, sneaking in a date night (yay!), then speeding back to make our 5 pm Mass last night. By the time we took these pictures I was completely exhausted and it was the late, late hour of 8 pm. 

We ended showing up at Mass only right at the end of the opening hymn...which I was supposed to be playing...whoops...with only one kid without shoes! Clearly, the one kid was the one who doesn't walk on his own yet or else that would have been an awfully cold walk through 8 inches of snow from car to church. 

And this is actually a nice shot of our tree. We always go about two minutes down the road and end up having to make a tough choice between the many trees that grow along the side of the road on my dad's land! The kids start getting ansy if theres no chop chop within five minutes. The spoilt little tots!

Ignore me and keep focusing on pretty Christmas tree. But heres the ensemble: a little preggo number of boring/now completely hated jeggings, me now graduating to embracing form fitting tops again when out in public and a little black tank top, and another of my many cardigans I think from H&M last year. And that pendant is one of my owl pocket watch-type necklaces...I have more than one...draw your own nerdy conclusions!

And I was trying to go for a side preggo shot but ended up looking really tired and with an expression that says "I'd eat that!". Attractive. I'm also totally not allowing my husband to take accurate pregnancy shots...I need to work on the vanity. And I just had to check my pregnancy app to figure out I'm 22 weeks. Which seems ridiculous. The thing with being pregnant all the time is you completely adapt to thinking pregnancy and all its weird effects are just normal which makes you loose track of pregnancy time! Or maybe I'm just losing it. I have bad pregnancy brain, which my husband is still refusing to believe is a real thing, but its real right??

And I'm going to work on finding an extension cord thats not bright orange.

Happy Gaudete Sunday!


  1. Hahaha... oh, my husband is definitely a big believer of pregnancy brain. I lose my common sense and memory really bad. So I feel ya, I feel ya. I also never thought about putting a smaller tree on top of a coffee table. I have to admit that it's genius for those little hands. We had to "fence off" ours last year. Haha.

  2. I am positively jealous of your necklace and sweater. So cute!

  3. Totally real...then there's sleep-deprived-postpartum brain that lasts for, I don't know, ever. My baby is almost 2 but that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Love the cardi and your glasses (if I've never mentioned that before)! And your curtains. Yes, the curtains are awesome too :)

  4. You look cute! Quit compaining ;) It's always tough when you're just starting to show, you want to make sure everyone realizes that's a baby and not dinner. I like the outfit a lot!

  5. Sad looking outfit? You look so cute Christy! Is the tree on the table to keep away from babies?

  6. Love the sweater and you've even color-coordinated with your extension cord!

  7. Great color on the sweater and YES of course, preggo brain is real! Sheesh. men. You look awesome!!

  8. Look at you, all liturgically accurate AND adorable. I look that size when I'm about 13 weeks. Truly.

  9. I really like the sweater and it was perfect for yesterday! Thanks so much for linking up with us!


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