Thursday, December 27, 2012

What I Wore on Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are still celebrating with a gusto-because that's the Catholic thing to do! 

Anyone else suffering from extreme Toddler Christmas Hangover?? Because around here I can barely move from exhaustion and turkey. The hubby had to get back to work today and after not stopping since Saturday? the kids are a tiny, itsy bit grumpy. Theres toys everywhere, and wrapping paper in heaps here and there since we had to book it to the fan-damilies as soon as we opened our gifts Christmas morning. I've decided today is a lazy day and the only chores getting done around here is the bare minimum of underwear washing. And maybe eating...but theres still a lot of gingerbread cookies left! 

But heres my not-exactly-magazine-quality outfit shots for lovely Grace (thanks to her for her fun-tastic hosting as usual!):

These are the only shots of me probably from all of Christmas. I've got on a stretchy/cheap sequin tank from Joe Fresh-because if you can't wear sequins at Christmas time then when can you, dammit!? A navy pleated skirt from H&M borrowed from my sister, it was the only remotely cute skirt in our collective possession with a generous elastic waist. And my navy cardigan because I didn't want to scandalize at Christmas Eve Mass, and my braided belt to create the illusion of a waist. I'm well aware that the waist illusion is probably only visible at about a thirty yard distance...but still.

This pic just makes me laugh. 

Clearly things went downhill from here on out. 

But there was so much fun, chocolate eating, gift unwrapping, and happy toddler playing that the craziness was the very best kind.

I'm out to lie like broccoli, drink coffee, and watch an illegally gotten Christmas episode of Downton Abbey with the sisters, oh, and of course eat another couple boxes of chocolate! If my children slide into a sugar coma my husband will find them this afternoon!


  1. Your whole family! In front of a Christmas tree! I really must work on being a better mother...

  2. Wow, with four kids your lucky to have gotten those first 2 shots. You and your family are adorable!

  3. Love the gold, love your hair, and the whole fam looks smashing!


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