Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Wore Sunday-or in my case, Saturday

I'm linking up today with the fine ladies of Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday!

Ok, I'm just trying to join in with the cool kids, but kinda in reverse because this outfit is definitely below average. 

But I think the important category of "Trying-to-not-seem-19 weeks-pregnant-to-strangers-at-Mass-while-being-half-hidden-behind-an-organ" needs to be represented!

Here's an age old question for you: why does layering look clever and chic on everyone but me? 
I blame the boobs.

And I desperately hate these sad jeggings...but they're so damn comfy...with so much plentiful elastic/spandexy-ness. I seem to not be able to find any new ones, but as this horrible picture as my witness, I'm going to try really hard! 

The bubble necklace is like cat nip to that small man-child, by the way.

And props to the Gemma for her first foray into photography!

And our Mass out here in the middle-of-no-civilization is on Saturday evenings due to the minuscule Catholic population and the sad fact our poor priest has to cover about 250 miles and 4 parishes per weekend. 

But really theres no excuses for in-house flash photography, or me taking selfies in my bathroom. But there ya go. 

Go view the real winners over at Fine Linen and Purple!


  1. I can't believe you are 19 weeks pregnant with your 5th baby and look so NOT pregnant. You look awesome. Generally the word 'jeggings' makes me want to throw up, but you rock them. Nice necklace too!

  2. Christy! You look amazing, you don't even look pregnant! Rock it, mama! :)

  3. Seriously? You look adorable in the layered look and I didn't think you looked pregnant either...certainly not 19 weeks and 5th baby!! WTH??? You got some great genes mama!!

  4. Pretty much ditto to all the above comments. You look fantastic.

  5. This is a super cute, super trendy outfit! And seriously, what bump?

  6. Ok, I think your layers look amazing too! Must find a bubble necklace - great accessory!

  7. I love your specs. I wonder where your middle-of-nowhere community is? We spent some time in California this past year and knew a priest who covered a great deal of area in the Sierra Nevadas/Death Valley area. One sometimes forgets what a blessing and privilege the Sacraments are when one is surrounded by constant opportunities to take advantage- but it was hard to forget there!

  8. I think you are doing great with the layered look. And you are 19 weeks pregnant??? Are you sure???

  9. I think your outfit is adorable and I love your necklace!

  10. You do NOT look prego at all! I love the whole outfit, and esp. the bubble necklace.

  11. You look completely awesome, and much better than me at 7 months postpartum. Jeggings or not.

  12. I love layers upon layers-so on trend and cozy. Plus can I say I so WISH I needed glasses just so I could have a pair as cute as yours! I also really like you makeup- so fresh.

  13. Um who is 19 weeks pregnant with their fifth child?! Gosh Christy you sure hide it well! You look great! And super cute outfit.

  14. You're so right - it IS the boobs, and I can say because I live it myself. Layering works great when you have those tiny perky boobs, over which all cloth slides easily. In my imagination, these women do not sweat as much as I do either and look great wearing cross body straps for their purses, while I just look like a huge-boobed freaked who has forsaken my usualy uni-boob look for the even worse boob-breaking-out-of-shirt look.

    I just used the word "boob" way too many times in one paragraph. But you make layers look good, and I think the glasses plus chunky necklace helps. Congratulations - teach me how!

  15. WHOA.

    can you do daily outfits? I need the inspiration (typed sinspiration .. oops) -- love everything like everything else. what is your secret to looking SO good? I need those glasses. thanks.

  16. ha LIKE everyone else.

    oooooops. more creamer and coffee.

  17. Don't worry, you totally don't look pregnant :) And I love that necklace! It's my absolute favorite color! Thank you so much for participating with us!

  18. The amounts of cuteness contained herein cannot be fully described in one comment. The boots the necklace, yes, the stellar layering that does look great despite your claims- all fab!


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