Wednesday, October 17, 2012

muchkin love...

I was just thinking the other day that although small, itsy-bitsies are hard work, day in and day out, with no break whatsoever, this childish dependence can sometimes (and obviously I mean a very small minority of the time!) bring out the best in us. 

Lately I think if I didn't have to take care of every want, need, or crazy-town demand of these four precious babes I'd mostly wallow in bed in a sea of self pity. Sometimes its nice to care for people who have no concerns about your own feelings but expect the same things everyday. It leaves a lot less room for your own self pity, and pushes you along to living in the present moment which is really reality and not the crazy, uncontrollable, realm of our own emotions. 

Aren't you glad all that constant neediness and work comes in handy sometimes?


  1. I've often wondered if the most simple gift that children and/or family care gives you is the ability not to sit around thinking about yourself. Some days that can be a huge gift! It's why I roll my eyes when people talk (those who don't want kids) about the enormous amount of work they require and then continue on to complain about their empty or drift-less lives - my life might not be very exciting each day, but where it lacks in excitement it makes up ten fold in purpose!

  2. I read this and pray tomorrow i can remember this Christy. I have seriously small tiny amounts of those moments where my kids bring out the best in me. I feel like Im constantly fumbling the ball in the Mom of four departement making the same mistakes everyday. Oy , tomorrow's a another day i guess


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