Friday, May 11, 2012

Seven Quick Takes-Rural Alberta Advantage Edition

Here's my Seven Quick Takes Rural Alberta Advantage(a real band name, pretty decent band!) Edition complete with Instagram pictures of Alberta roads.
Make sure you check out Hallie of course, and prayers for Jen!


So I got me to the city yesterday. I live about an hour and a half from a city-ya know a place with a starbucks and a costco? Otherwise known as civilization. I usually get to the city every couple of weeks, but I try to do most of my big grocery shopping in the city because of the price savings and the ability to buy Italian parsley. Then I shop my little small town groceries for all the stuff I need in between. Its a fairly workable system, except that when I get into the city, my very limited time is completely wasted on grocery shopping, major bummer.


In order to get to the city-espeically for a "quick" trip like yesterday (10 hours or so) I try to leave my 3 oldest babes with my mom or sister because it takes me about an hour to do up 4 car seats! So its a major time saver. But a nursing baby? Not a time saver. 


Having a nursing baby makes you live life on a 4 hour leash. I don't really complain, except when I want to get a million errands done and have to always be watching the clock so that I can get back to a nursing babe. Yesterday I was able to leave the little mister with my in-laws who mercifully live in the city so I could get to my spiritual direction appointment. It was sooo nice to be able to focus and not have to look at such a cute baby for a whole hour an a half! And then I proceeded to quickly hit another grocery store, and liquor store, and starbucks, and then boom-Times up Cinders and I gotta run! 


I'm really just explaining all this to show that I feel as though I don't get anything done in a 10 hour day in the city while I'm nursing a baby. I'm clearly a performance based person. I need to get things done! So only seeing the inside of grocery stores when I'm in close proximity to stores I want/need/sorta want to get to makes me a little crazy.


For the love of all that is good and holy could we please make a "coupon lane" at grocery stores?! I thought I was behind one lady in the checkout, she had quite a bit of stuff but all the other lanes had tons of people so I thought this was my best bet. Lo and behold she pulls out about 800 or so coupons that the cashier then proceeds to read individually and then scan through...and then phone the manager about. All while I've loaded all my groceries while at the same time rocking a tired/grumpy baby with one hand. I stood there and watched the small 5 minute window of possible starbucks in between shopping/nursing/rushing to my appointment evaporate. It was painful. Patience was exercised. Souls released from purgatory. Punches left unflown. But at the same time I'm not anti-coupon, I use them occasionally, I didn't want to be mad at the poor lady. And who knows what kind of boss the poor cashier has and his OCD-like control and emphasis on coupon checking. So just make a whole separate line. Wow, Holy First World Problem Batman! Ok, rant over.


My poor little Lukey is starting to realize he's the middle child. Because he's only 11 months younger than Dom he, very conveniently for me, simply starts wearing the clothes Dom outgrows as soon as Dom outgrows them. Yesterday when I gave Dom new very needed shoes and Dom became very excited! And Luke looked up at me with big sad eyes and said "I would like new green shoe." So I think its time to get him a little something new because I think he'll actually notice and appreciate it quite a bit. I want to do simple things that make him feel special, because I look at him and see the most special little boy. I'm getting sappy, it must be Mother's Day.


And Happy Mother's day to all! I hope you all are showered in flowers, thanks, good food and a good wine! I don't really want/expect prezzies, but I do like the idea of wishing other Moms a happy Mother's Day, and of course my mum! 


  1. Oh man, I feel your Starbucks pain. We live 3 hours from the nearest one and I have experienced that same thing- watching my limited time to grab a drink disappear while I waited on someone else.

    I only have three, one of whom is now in a regular seat belt, but I don't think my husband understands that it's not TAKING the kids somewhere, it's putting them in and out of the car that makes me want to stay home.

    My quick takes was much less interesting than yours, I'm off to read your archives now!

  2. great photos! I would love it if we followed each other. I'll be following you through GFC!


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