Friday, May 18, 2012

its a birthday weekend around here...

Its my first little baby's 5th birthday tomorrow! How did this happen so fast?! How did that little peanut grow up to be 5 in a blink of an eye?

I feel so old. I've been a mom for 5 years? It seems hard to believe, it feels like I haven't been a mom for more than two days and on the other hand I can't remember a time when I wasn't! 

So tomorrow we'll have cupcakes and watch her sweet little face light up as she opens presents. She has a great love of prezzies, and life, and dancing, and singing, and running, and basically is a swell person to be around, she deserves a fun 5th birthday!

 Then Sunday is my birthday...thats right...for my 22nd birthday I decided the best gift I could give myself would be to go into 34 hours of labor two days earlier...luckily a really cute baby came of it or else I woulda sued to get my birthday money back! Man, its been 5 years, you'd think I'd be over THAT labor story by now...


  1. Happy Happy birthday to both of you lovely ladies!!

  2. Aw Happy Birthday Gemma! Yikes 5 seems so old!!! Happy Birthday to you too!


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