Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter re-cap!

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter! Here's the kids in the their post-Vigil finery. I love the Easter Vigil, but going with 4 small kids can make it seem to last about 5 hours. I needed a good stiff drink by the time we got home!

The baskets were quickly emptied! A heck of a lot of chocolate was consumed in a short amount of time Easter morning, but they loved every minute.

I may make my children pose for pictures while wearing bunny ears!
First Easter's are made for bunny-ear wearing!

Then in the afternoon we had a big egg hunt outside! As you can tell by their attire, it was FREEZING out! Sometimes I dream of Easter occurring when the weather is actually spring-like. With greenery and blooms and flowers. The Canadian arctic doesn't look too springy in early April. 
But the boys loved the egg hunt and got so excited every time they made a discovery! All the kids were full of "Alleluia's" and "Happy Easter's" yesterday, and more are coming today. I'm off to sweep up more Easter grass.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness the bunny ears! They are utterly presh and can't believe all the cuteness you get to look at on a daily basis:)
    Happy Easter! Halelluiah he is risen!


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