Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Well Ash Wednesday has snuck up on me again. At least this year I have the excuse of having a small infant, but usually I let this beautifully sacrificial time go by the wayside. Its not that I don't have the good intentions to give things up, its the follow-through and the prayer that should go with it that seems lacking most years. 

Somewhere along the line I've heard the great advice that each Lent you should both give something up and add something. Add something like a new devotional, new prayers, readings etc. Good holy stuff in other words. This idea is great for those of us who let our daily prayers slip, or need something new to jazz up the old prayer life.

So this year I'm a bit stumped. I'm thinking of maybe a daily Chaplet. I think a commitment to a daily Rosary might crash and burn, getting up early for silent meditation is laughably impossible right now, and I'm just not feeling the pull to anything else. 

Anybody got any great ideas for a mom with too many young children and not enough time? What are your great intentions this Holy Lent?

Have a Blessed Day of Fasting and Abstinence!

1 comment:

  1. 15 minutes of reading Scripture? Don't stress yourself out; maybe say an Our Father every time you sit down to nurse. I think early infancy is a duty-of-the-moment prayer time, if you will.


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