Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My big pile o' Christmas books...

So I'm a little behind the times but I thought I'd post my haul of books I got for Christmas! 
I'm a sucker for books as Christmas gifts, mostly because I don't usually splurge on cookbooks or design books just because, and I get so excited receiving them as gifts! Here's the rundown:

A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms by Lisa Hendey. This book doesn't really need an explanation on why I'd want it, because any new book about saints is pretty much straight up my alley. This book includes 52 different saints and Lisa has written each chapter in such a way that you can focus on one saint per week and so far I really like it! Its nice to look at aspects of different saints lives as relates directly to motherhood, so far I've already been surprised at different ways saints can relate to me, yay!

 Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of Faith by Fr. Robert Barron. My hubby gave this one to me and I'm looking forward to getting a chance to read it, its gotten rave reviews everywhere! Of course, I love everything Fr. Barron does...I'm a little obsessed. 

Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James. I've been looking forward to reading this book for a while now, I love P.D. James. I've started it, but since I get about 5 minutes to read every couple days I've been moving very slowly through it. Attention spans while getting little sleep and breastfeeding are microscopic! 

The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond. I'm the last person in the world to get this cookbook probably, and just when she's coming out with a new one. My husband also gave this to me...mainly because he loves eating her recipes.

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I wanted this book because I kinda don't believe this is possible. We're not the biggest bread eaters because, well, gluten is evil. But I like a challenge and who doesn't love homemade bread. I have no idea when I'll have time to put this into practice though!

The Perfectly Imperfectly Home by Deborah Needleman. Can't wait to read this cover to cover. I love vicariously designing...

Design*Sponge at Home by Grace Bonney. I'm a Design*Sponge nerd. And I don't care who knows it.

Remember how I'm in "survival" mode right now?? Well that means that it may be a while till I get some actual time to read, cook, and enjoy these books, but they're giving me happiness already seeing them on my shelves!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know how you like the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. I just made her shortribs with wine&cream for Epiphany, and they were so amazing that even my dad, who is a man of very few words said to my mom on the way home from our house "that was a REALLY good dinner."

    And Patrick did the Homer Simpson food swoon. He's not a picky eater by any stretch but few things rock his world. This did though. Love that!


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