Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pears and baby issues.


I tackled my 10 pound bag of beautiful Okanagan pears this morning. I tried some new recipes for pear sauce and ginger pear muffins and so far I think they both turned out really well! The rest we ate, and I sliced some up to freeze for when I have some time to make a little pear tart or something. We'll see if that day ever comes!


I endeavored all this pear business while the kids were awake and functioning which means they all were vying to "help" mama. For some reason nothing gets accomplished if I let all three have chairs up to the counter with me so I tried to limit it to one chair this morning and "turns".
One thing about having three kids under the age of 4 is that the concept of "turns" doesn't yet exist. Everybody needs to have a turn at the same time. Two people will always be unhappy and pouting. There isn't too much patience and rationale going on to make the idea of "turns" seem fair or fun.

I'm still not sure if it would have been easier to just have three chairs everywhere and the whole kitchen to be a mess and hardly have gotten anything done. But where would the fun be in that?

1 comment:

  1. mmm I LOVE pears!
    haha oh the joys of children helping in the kitchen! I was making apple pies last week and usually I just have Maria helping (during Felicity's nap) but on this day she was up so I decided to be brave and let her help...and lo and behold the child says "but my hands will get dirty"..and so she just watched on her chair at the counter..and if her little finger got dirty she had to immediately go and wash her hands! hahaha...I have to say I was quite pleased because it made things much easier!


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